Sept 5

ELA--Summary of "Because of Winn-Dixie"

MATH-SPB- p. 3+4 place value

Sept 6

MATH-textbook pgs. 21+22 Midpoint check

Sept 9

MATH-SPB, p. 7+8

Sept 10

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB, recheck p. 9, do page 10.

Sept 11

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB, p. 13+14

Social Studies--if possible 6PM HBO channel

"What Happened on September 11"

Sept 12

READ- 30 minutes

READING-p. 43 RWNB Summary of "Because of Winn Dixie"/study for Winn Dixie test

Sept 13

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB p. 15+16 (Estimating with subtraction)

Sept 16

READ- 30 minutes

SOCIAL STUDIES-Need your SS nb. First draft of The Great Law of Peace summary. Use provided lined paper. Tomorrow we will transfer into SS n.b.

Sept 17

READ- 30 minutes

ELA-Handwriting, p. 4-5. Top lines 5x. Bottom 4x.

SS-Write about what freedom is most important to you from the Bill of Rights.

Sept 17

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-p. 17 models of multiplication. First attempt.

Sept 18

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-p. 17 models. 1st attempt.

Sept 19

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-pgs. 18_19 SPB/ TEST TUESDAY. Ch 1.

Sept 20

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-Select 2 lessons from the text to do for review.


Sept 23

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-Test tomorrow. Ch 1.

READING-RWNB-53+57 Vocabul

Sept 24

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-to login to ThinkCentral, go to Lee Avenue from and then "Students" Then use Google account info.

For use Class Code 65V2EANB

HW--Do Test 1, version B

Sept 25

READ- 30 minutes

SCIENCE-p. A14 Answer questions 1-4 in science nb.


Sept 26

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-p. 23+24 SPB

READING-In Writing Notebook develop a character for future stories. 1) Physical Description, 2) Qualities, 3)Hobbies/Interests

Sept 27

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-Correct the mistakes to Test #1. Get test signed.

October 2

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB p. 25+26

October 3

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB p. 28

WRITING-Create a mystery story using your developed character.

October 4

READ- 30 minutes

WRITING-HALLOWEEN acrostic, final copy of school bulletin board

October 7

READ- 30 minutes

SCIENCE-Read p. A15-A23. Questions p. A18+A23

October 8

READ- 30 minutes

SOCIAL STUDIES-Iroquois worksheet

October 10

READ- 30 minutes

WRITING-World Hunger Essay, first draft. You can do it as a Google doc or hand-write it.

READING-RWNB--p. 75 (if not done in class) and p. 76 (compound sentences).

October 11

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-Worksheet on partial products


October 15

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB, pgs. 33+34 (Distributive Property of Multiplication)

Picture Day Tomorrow!!

October 16

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB, pgs. 35+36

October 22

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-Worksheets Explain you answer/show your work

October 23

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB p. 39-41

October 24

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB p. 42-44

October 25

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB p. 45+46/Chapter 2 Test Monday

October 28

READ- 30 minutes

Chapter 2 Test (postponed from Monday due to performance)

October 29

READ- 30 minutes

ELA-Main idea. Read leveled reader to answer the sheet on main idea/supporting details.

October 30

READ- 30 minutes/Return PARP for October signed

SCIENCE-p. A32-33 Chapter review. Questions 1-16 underline answer in complete sentence.

October 31

READ- 30 minutes/Return PARP for October signed

ELA-Get "The Horned Toad Prince" signed.

November 1

READ- 30 minutes/Return PARP for October signed, returned!!

MATH-Word problem equation sheet

November 4

READ- 30 minutes/Return PARP for October signed, returned!!

MATH-SPB, pgs. 53+54

November 6

READ- 30 minutes/Return PARP for October signed, returned!!

MATH-SPB, pgs. 55-57

November 8

READ- 30 minutes

ELA-Write a letter to a veteran.

November 12

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB, 59/60/62

November 13

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB, 69/70

ELA-Final copy--"Regret"

November 14

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB, 71-73 Division with remainders

November 14

READ- 30 minutes

SCIENCE-Read pgs. A38-A43. Questions pg. A43 in complete sentences

November 18

READ- 30 minutes

Math-SPB 77+78

November 19

READ- 30 minutes

SCIENCE-Read/answer C-10, D-20, D-2. Complete sentences. Highlight vocabulary.

November 21

READ- 30 minutes

MATH--Get Chapter 2 test signed. Correct mistakes. Return it to school. Also, SPB 89+90

November 22

READ- 30 minutes

ELA-RWNB-p. 118+119

November 25

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-pgs. 93+94 Multi-step word problems using all operations.

November 26

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-Reteach p. 38+39 (optional due to the printer issues). Chapter 4 quiz, not optional.

November 27

READ- 30 minutes

ELA-Write about your activities on one of the days you had no school this week.

December 2

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB 97+98

December 3

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendars

MATH-SPB 99+100 Factors

December 4

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendars

MATH-SPB 101+102 Common Factors

December 5

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendars

MATH-Sign/fix quizzes. Show all work.

December 6

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendars


December 9

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendars

MATH-SPB 104+105 Multiples

December 10

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB 107+108 Rule Following

December 11

READ- 30 minutes

ELA-Reading-RWNB pgs. 120-123

December 12

READ- 30 minutes


ELA-Writing Pep Talk for a Roundup. One page. Dialogue. Beginning, middle, and end.

December 13

READ- 30 minutes

SCIENCE-Page 6 Workbook

December 16

READ- 30 minutes

Today you will type a summary of where we left off in the video "To Build a Fire." Write about the setting and the two main characters. What is the plot? In other words, what action(s) have taken place.

December 17

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-Extra Practice-pg. 109+110 SPB

December 18

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-REVIEW Chapter 5. Practice lessons in math text. Quiz Friday.

January 2

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendar for December

MATH-SPB p. 113+114 Equivalent fractions. Show all work in getting the common denominator. DO NOT USE CROSS MULTIPLICATION.

January 3

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendar for December

MATH-SPB p. 115+116. Creating equivalent fractions.

January 6

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendar for December

MATH-SPB p. 117+118 simplifying fractions

January 7

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendar for December

MATH-SPB p. 119+120

January 8

READ- 30 minutes/ Return PARP calendar for December

MATH-SPB p. 121+122 Finding equivalent fractions.

January 8

READ- 30 minutes

MATH-SPB p. 123+124

January 9

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-SPB p. 125+126 Comparing fractions

January 13

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-SPB p. 127+128 Comparing/ordering fractions.

January 14

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-SPB p. 129+130 Chapter Review/EXTRA PRACTICE

Remember to turn in permission slips for The Gregory Museum

January 14

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-Study for Chapter 6 Test. Review notes, lessons and handouts.

Remember to turn in permission slips for The Gregory Museum

Have fun at the winter concert tonight.

January 14

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-Ch-6 Review Test. Textbook p. 261-264

REMEMBER--Field Trip to The Gregory Museum

January 17

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MONDAY NO SCHOOL--Think about what EQUALITY means to you

January 21

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-Adding/subtracting fractions SPB pgs. 133+134

January 22

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

SCIENCE-1st draft of Energy essay. Use notes/Understanding Energy wkbk/

January 22

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

SCIENCE-1st draft of Energy essay. Use notes/Understanding Energy wkbk/

January 23

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

READING-Chinese New Year---complete worksheet

January 27

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-SPB 135/136/138

January 28

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-SPB 139-141 Addition/Subtraction of fractions

January 29

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

MATH-SPB 143+144 Mixed numbers/improper fractions

OLWEUS assembly---Shirts given out tomorrow IN SCHOOL. Please wear a short sleeve shirt.

January 29

READ- 30 minutes for PARP

SCIENCE-Read pages 31-42 Complete the charts.

January 31

SCIENCE-Complete the top row of the chart on page 45.

Wear Islander hockey shirts if you have any.

Study for the science test next week. Take home the Energy workbook.

January 31

SCIENCE-Complete the top row of the chart on page 45.

Wear Islander hockey shirts if you have any.

Study for the science test next week. Take home the Energy workbook.

February 3

MATH-SPB, pgs. 145+146

February 4

MATH-SPB, pgs. 147+148

SCIENCE-Study vocabulary for quizzes on Friday.

PARP-return January calendar

February 5

MATH-SPB, pgs. 149+150

SCIENCE-Study vocabulary for quizzes on Friday.

PARP-return January calendar

WRITING-Finish Daedalus and Icarus

February 6

MATH-SPB, pgs. 151 fraction word problems

SCIENCE-Study vocabulary for quizzes (ENERGY) on Friday.

PARP-return January calendar

February 6

MATH-SPB, pgs. 152 SPB

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

February 10

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

SCIENCE-SRP, pages D-36, D-2, D-11

Ecology, Ecosystems, Endangered Animals

February 11

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

MATH-SPB, pgs. 153+154 Extra Practice

February 12

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

SOCIAL STUDIES-Work on one area of the Explorer Project using GoogleSlides

February 13

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

SOCIAL STUDIES-Continue working on the Explorer Project using GoogleSlides

ELA-Study for Horse Heroes test---vocabulary/comprehension

February 14

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

SOCIAL STUDIES-Continue working on the Explorer Project using GoogleSlides

February 24

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

MATH-Test 6, sign/return and go over the answers

MATH-SPB, pgs. 158-160

February 25

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

SCIENCE-Reading Comprehension book pages C1, C12, and C14

Tomorrow in class-Practice ELA, Part 1

February 26

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

SCIENCE-Reading Comprehension book pages C29, D6, E8

Tomorrow in class-Practice ELA, Part II

February 27

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

MATH-SPB, 161+162

February 28

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

READ-Science The Conservationist

March 2

READING-PARP (30 minutes)/Return February calendar

SCIENCE-Reading Comprehension booklet pages E25, D17, E23, and C4

March 3

READING-PARP (30 minutes)/Return February calendar

MATH-SPB pages 164-166

March 3

READING-PARP (30 minutes)/Return February calendar

MATH-SPB pages 164-166

March 5

READING-PARP (30 minutes)/Return February calendar

MATH-SPB Chapter Extra Practice for Chapter 8

March 6

READING-PARP (30 minutes)/Return February calendar

MATH-Continue to study for Chapter 8, 1st chance test

March 9

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

MATH-SPB pages 171-173

March 10

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

MATH-SPB pages 175-178

March 11

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

MATH-SPB pages 181-183

March 12

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

SCIENCE-Comprehension book pages D8, D5, D4, C11

March 18

Please look under the "Remote Learning" tab

March 19

Hola clase! Please join our new FLES Google Classroom by going to and clicking the plus sign (+) in the top right corner. Our class code is 5llsxso. I will be posting our Spanish assignments on our Google Classroom to be sure to join and to read carefully!


Just an FYI... We are asking that students complete 3 of the 12 activities listed on the Choice Board on our Google Classroom page over the course of a week. It doesn't have to be on your scheduled FLES day (although if you want to implement it that way within your individual classrooms, feel free!), it just has to be done between now and next Wednesday. We also asked that they send us pics and/or summaries of their activities via a Google Form so we can keep track of it and can reward them for practicing Spanish when we get back to school. The instructions have all been posted inside the classroom for them.

Google Classroom join instructions have also been posted on our FLES Webpage on the HPS District Website. The FLES site also has a ton of fun games and resources for them to practice Spanish at home, too. Here is the direct link to the site for your reference (and for your students if they should ask) :

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns as always.

Thank you so much for your cooperation! I know we are doing our best to get through this together because it is definitely very surreal.




Brianna Ruda

Elementary Spanish Teacher

Hicksville Public Schools

March 20

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

More resources for you to use. TV instructional channels from NY State

March 23

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

We now have access to Discovery Streaming. It is terrific. Many different subjects.

Use my screen name and logon



I apologize for the confusion about the "Test" packet. It seems that those were not handed out. Instead, what I am suggesting is to find sheets from ThinkCentral that align with the lesson in Geometry (figures, perimeter, angles, identifying and labeling, and triangles (identification by angles and sides). Khan Academy also has some nice videos also. I will be using the usual place Google Sites to update the class AND also Google Class. I know this is overwhelming for all of us. Thank you for your patience.

Mr. Moshoyannis

March 24

1. READING-PARP (30 minutes)

2. We now have access to Discovery Streaming. It is terrific. Many different subjects.

Use my screen name and logon



3. Hi 4th Grade Artists:

Here is a link to my website so that you can see the weekly art assignments for 4th Grade.

This assignment is due every Friday. Keep this project in a folder at home.

Also, in the "home projects" section of my website, there are other resources and ideas to do at home.

Please do at least ONE of these projects each week that are on the Hicksville Public Schools website (in the Elementary Arts 4th Grade folder). You can access the HPS website through my website below. Put this art project in your folder too.

** You must fill out the online form so that I know you completed the 2 assignments. You will see this form on this link as well. If you do any extra art projects you can fill out this online form as well.

There are also other extra credit assignments in this "home projects" section if you scroll down. (NOT REQUIRED)

Lastly If you go to my homepage, there is a fun rainbow activity (that will not be collected or graded) that you can do if you would like. (NOT REQUIRED) You can see this here:

Hope you and your families are safe and healthy. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at:

Ms. Kolinsky


5. Below is a link to several subject areas that was just made

March 26

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

Parents MAY email completed assignments, or send pictures of the completed assignments to teachers for their review and feedback.

SPANISH--Hola clase! Please join our new FLES Google Classroom by going to and clicking the plus sign (+) in the top right corner. Our class code is 5llsxso. I will be posting our Spanish assignments on our Google Classroom to be sure to join and to read carefully!

March 27

  1. READING-PARP (30 minutes) Good morning. Please choose an activity other than Math or Science today if possible. Many of you have finished the workbooks. PLEASE HOLD ONTO THEM. On my Google Site under "Remote Learning" there are plenty of websites to get great material.
  2. If you would like to do a challenging packet, here it is!

3. Nassau Library Systems Digital Library Card Application.Any student who does not have a public library card can apply for a digital card through the Nassau Library System. Students will have access to digital books through Overdrive as well as addition database resources. In addition any card that was set to expire has been extended through April, and possibly later depending on circumstances. Please share this information with your students.

March 30

READING-PARP (30 minutes)

1. Here is a link for parents that is more like a tutorial to help with Pearson Realize (Reading Street) and ThinkCentral (GoMath).

2. Our Social/Emotional Learning activity of the day at Lee Avenue is:

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This is a technique that helps us cope with emotions such as anxiety, stress, and anger. These emotions usually make our muscles tense without even noticing it! By following this guided relaxation you will be able to feel calm and rest your body and mind. We want to invite you with the supervision of an adult to find a comfortable place where you can rest your body, breathe deeply about 4 times, close your eyes, use your imagination and follow all the instructions in the audio. Please be gentle while doing this activity.

Hope you enjoy it, you can send us comments to any of our emails about how you liked this activity!

Let's follow this link:

Informacion en Espanol:

Nuestra actividad de Aprendizaje Social/Emocional del día en Lee Avenue es:

Relajación muscular progresiva:

Esta es una técnica que nos ayuda a lidiar con emociones como la ansiedad, el estrés y la ira. ¡Estas emociones suelen hacer que nuestros músculos se tensen sin siquiera darnos cuenta! Siguiendo esta relajación guiada podrás sentir calma y descansar tu cuerpo y mente. Queremos invitarte con la supervisión de un adulto a encontrar un lugar cómodo donde puedas descansar tu cuerpo, respirar profundamente 4 veces, cerrar los ojos, usar tu imaginación y seguir todas las instrucciones del audio. Por favor, ser suave mientras realiza esta actividad.

Espero que lo disfrutes, puedes enviarnos comentarios a cualquiera de nuestros correos electrónicos sobre cómo te pareció esta actividad!

*El video/audio es en Ingles.

3. Please go to Google Classroom for the homework for the week or use the link below.

March 31

  1. READING-PARP (30 minutes)
  2. Our Social/Emotional Learning activity of the day at Lee Avenue is:

An information worksheet when you can learn facts about the Coronavirus, ways to keep yourself safe, and some coping strategies to learn how to manage feelings of worry or concern. Being concerned is a human reaction to some uncomfortable or difficult life events. We may not be able to change certain situations but we definitely have the power to influence in a positive way how we react to those life events.

So, please follow this 2-page activity and apply these strategies to your everyday life.

Click the link here

Remember that you can always write back to us letting us know who you like this activity.

Please see attached file.

Have a beautiful day!


Mrs. Pressler, Mrs. Rodriguez, and Mrs. Gorey

Mrs. Pressler: School Psychologist,

Mrs. Rodriguez: Social Worker,

Mrs. Gorey: Guidance Counselor,

Informacion en Espanol:

Hoy es Martes 31 de Marzo de 2020. Nuestra actividad de aprendizaje social/emocional del día en Lee Avenue es:

Una hoja de trabajo con información en la que puede aprender datos sobre el coronavirus, formas de mantenerse a salvo y algunas estrategias de afrontamiento para aprender a manejar sentimientos de preocupación. Estar preocupado es una reacción humana frente a algunos eventos de la vida que son incómodos o difíciles. Es posible que no podamos cambiar ciertas situaciones, pero definitivamente tenemos el poder de influir de manera positiva en cómo reaccionamos frente a esos eventos.

Por lo tanto, siga esta actividad de 2 páginas y aplique estas estrategias a su vida cotidiana. Recuerde que siempre puede escribirnos y decirnos come le parece esta actividad.

Por favor, vea el archivo adjunto. - El archivo esta en English

¡Que tengan un hermoso día!

3. Ms. Gorey, the school guidance counselor, has a website. Her google classroom code is zz4qmne. She will be posting social-emotional resources and lessons/activities.

April 1

Starting today, I will be using Google Classroom for any HW assignments and updates. Your son/daughter each has access, so please make sure from this day forward you are checking that page and the District Resources page. You can also still access my Remote Learning tab here on Google Sites for those additional activities.