Mrs. Leonard

Contact Information


Phone: (864)-355-8567

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 3:45-4:15pm *Google Meet or in person by appointment only*

> Google Meet code posted on each Google Classroom


If you have a question concerning the Orchestra programs at Woodmont Middle School or Woodmont High School or the piano class at WHS, this page is a great place to start looking for answers. You will find more information through the drop-down menus at the top right of this page.

~ Mrs. Leonard

About Mrs. Leonard

I have both a B.S. and an M.A. in Music Education through Bob Jones University. After acquiring my master's degree I headed to Taipei, Taiwan where I taught 1st through 12th grade music (elementary general music, beginning band, MS/HS choir, and orchestra). Living overseas was definitely a life-enriching experience, and I highly recommend it if you get the opportunity!

I grew up in Greenville, SC and lived on a farm for the first 10 years of my life. In December of 2020, I happlily married my beloved husband Mark. I enjoy all things coffee, vanilla bean ice cream, Zumba dancing, reading, singing, playing instruments, and learning, learning, learning. Music is my love, educating my calling, and encouraging others my passion! My two favorite things about teaching and music are getting to witness students' "aha!" moments and sharing the magic of musicking.

Private Lessons

Private lessons are essential for reaching your full potential on your instrument!

Check out these local teachers