Ms. Samples' STEM

Office hours: 12:00 - 12:30


Coronavirus-related links to explore:

Tim and Moby Brainpop

Hand washing VS hand sanitizer

Comic Strip Maker - try it, you'll love it! You can save two comics for free. Save as PDF to send in Classroom.

Code Break - New from A new lesson each week, offered Wednesday at 1 PM. Create a login to keep track of your progress...

Videos that explain how computers work, what is the Internet, and other awesome engineering questions...

More links to explore for STEM at home:

Fifth graders: check out this recent Rube Goldberg type creation: Rolling On

Discover E Engineering - listen to real engineers talk about their jobs!

Roper Mountain science videos. Pick your grade level and tune in!

Mystery Science free videos and activities - organized by grade level and even offered in Spanish.

James Gonyo Mystery Science - adult supervision required!! Well organized, mind engaging science to DO with short video, instructions, and links to background information for explanation. Everybody learns science with this link!

Discovery Education EARTH DAY videos by grade level - just use your Google login information, grades 3 - 5, or create a new login...

Common Sense WIDE OPEN SCHOOL - Activities for families in all subject areas

Nature Journaling - Introduction about how to use a sketchbook outside to record observations

WWF - World Wildlife Federation - lessons and activities and animal trivia quizzes.

Explore.Org - Live Cams of puppies, birds, donkeys, and even jellyfish!