Mrs. Peterson's ELA and Social Studies Classes

Contact Information

Classroom Phone Number (to talk or leave a voicemail): (864) 355-2179

Google Voice Number (to send a text message): (864) 280-9897

Virtual Office Hours: 8:30-10:00 Monday-Thursday

Please take the time to check out the pages on this site. The pages contain information about the ELA and SC History curricula, classroom procedures and expectations, and important resources. If you have any questions, the best way to contact me is by email.


8:15- 8:30 Homeroom

8:30-8:55 1st Period S.A.I.L. (Flex) Time

9:00-9:46 2nd Period (Related Arts 1)

9:51-10:37 3rd Period (Related Arts 2)

10:45-11:40 4th Period

11:45- 12:40 5th Period

12:44-1:14 Lunch

1:19- 2:14 6th Period

2:19- 3:15 7th Period