Mrs. Pfeiffer

The Mission of J.L. Mann High School:

  • We develop opportunities for all students to achieve personal success and become college and career ready in order to become productive, responsible, and engaged citizens.

Our Vision:

  • Making a Difference by inspiring, supporting, and preparing students for their next step in life.

Parent Open House Videos 2020

I teach both chemistry and physics so both videos for parent night are posted....

Physics: Sep 22, 2020 2:21 PM.webm
PTSA chemistry: Sep 22, 2020 2:14 PM.webm

Contact Information:

Michelle M. Pfeiffer

Building A room 935 chemistry lab

daily class schedule--> 1st period ( 8:45-9:35) Chemistry in school

2nd period (9:41-10:31) Physics virtual

3rd period (10:37-11:27) Chemistry in school

4th period (11:58-12:57) Chemistry virtual ( I take 1st lunch shift )

5th period (1:02-1:53) Physics in school

6th period (1:59-2:49) planning

7th period(2:53-3:45) planning

Tutoring Times: any morning before school hours and afternoons on request as needed virtually

office hours for virtual and e learning:

2nd period Meet time Tuesday and Thursday starting at 9:45; 4th period Meet time Tuesday and Thursday starting at 12:30; additional Meets are scheduled on Fridays throughout the day for those students that have conflicts with set times OR that need additional help

Friday Google Meet Times

Chemistry 1st Period - 9:00 - 9:20 am

Chemistry 3rd Period - 9:50 - 10:10 am

Physics 5th Period - 10:40 - 11:00 am

Weekly Meet times are there for student questions and additional help with material, instructional videos are posted to teach notes/material and give example problems

Chromebook Support:

textbook online access

Class Syllabus

I hope you enjoyed your summer break and are ready to get to work. Chemistry is a course that will require a lot of effort on your part, but in return you will receive knowledge and fun! My expectations for my students:

1- Give 100% effort on all assignments. Do not allow others to copy your work or copy from other students. Work together, to make sure both people have mastered the concept.

2- Keep up with science notebook daily. Quizzes are not always announced ahead of time.

3- Be a positive influence on all classmates, helping them learn the concepts taught.

4- Ask questions when having difficulty with any topic. Take responsibility for your own learning.

5- Be mature, responsible science students on the lab area. Clean the area and make sure to complete the assignments in the most efficient way possible.

Specific Topics:

· Atomic Structure and History ● Periodic Table and Trends

· Nuclear Chemistry ● Chemical Formulas/Reactions

· Moles/Quantities ● Stoichiometry

· Special Topics depending on time

As an educator, I am coming to the uneasy realization that our relationship with information is shifting in profound and unprecedented ways. Schools should be places where students learn how to access, filter and process information (and misinformation) that is now at our fingertips. We should become experts in using the internet to inform our discussions and augment our educational experiences. I try to give opportunities to utilize technology and have hands on application in the classroom. Students need to be respectful and considerate of materials and the time it takes to set up and provide them with interesting and entertaining activities. Please make sure that you leave the classroom and materials as you find them. Clean your own area before leaving every day and charge your devices overnight so that they are ready for you in the following day.

60% Tests/Projects/ Formal Labs 40% Interactive Notebook Daily


Interactive notebook journals are graded on test day when notebooks are turned in.

SC Grading Scale:

A=90-100 B=80-90 C=70-80 D=60-70 F= 60 and below

Classroom Environment:

Cell Phones/Chrome books

Failure to practice proper device etiquette will result in discipline referral and zero on the assignment. Devices will be used in class to look up facts and do research daily. Put your device(s) on vibrate or silent while in class. While Mrs. Pfeiffer or anyone else is addressing the class it is never appropriate to be on a device. Devices ( except calculators ) cannot be out during test time. Phones cannot be used for calculators during test time. Headphones are NEVER permitted in class during lecture or while the class is being addressed as a whole group. Students are expected to interact and give their full attention. The teacher will give a warning to put the device away. If the student does not comply, there will be a referral written. If a device is out during a test, the student will receive a 0 for the test grade.

****There is an established Chemistry Lab fee of $4.00 at JL Mann except for virtual classes****


Whenever possible, scientists use experimental processes and empirical data to test hypotheses and confirm theories. In this class, students will gain confidence and practice in conducting laboratory experiments, accurately collect data, minimize error, draw conclusions, and report findings. A focus will be placed on the use of critical thinking and mathematical reasoning in the development of experiments, rather than prescriptive exercises. Students will maintain a lab notebook throughout the semester/year. The lab notebook will be interactive and used daily for formal lab write-ups as well as journal entries. I will maintain an example that students can use as a template to follow as well as get any entries they miss due to absence(s). Classwork may be taken home to complete and bring back to be graded the following class day. There will be no additional homework assignments given besides studying for tests.

Lesson Plans/Pacing

Unit 1- Lab Equipment, Safety and Atomic Structure ( 2 weeks )

Unit 2- Nuclear Chemistry ( 1 week )

Unit 3- Periodic Table and Trends ( 2 Weeks )

Unit 4- Chemical Formulas and Names ( 3 Weeks )

Unit 5- Quantities/Moles ( 3 Weeks)

Unit 6- Stoichiometry and Limiting Reactants ( 3 Weeks )

Unit 7- Thermochemistry ( 2 Weeks)

Unit 8- Acids, bases and salts (2 Weeks)

Unit 9-Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (2 Weeks)

Class Schedule 2020-2021 School Year

1st ( 8:45-9:35) Chemistry CP and Honors

2nd (9:41-10:31) Physics CP and Honors

3rd (10:37- 11:27) Chemistry CP and Honors

4th (11:58-12:57) Chemistry CP and Honors

5th (1:01-1:53) Physics CP and Honors

I have two virtual classes:

2nd Physics and 4th Chemistry