Hello! I am Mrs. Nicholson.  I am so excited for my 10th year at Mann! I am looking forward to getting to know you all! 

I am so happy for another year at Mann!!! 

My Contact Info: 

Room: 1211 (Building B)

Email: Tnicholson@greenville.k12.sc.us 

Phone: 864-452-1020 

**Please contact me if you need ANYTHING!!! I am so excited to get to know you! Email is the quickest way to get a response

JL Mann Course Book Lists 

Need Extra Help? 

Tutoring: Monday's After school (face to face or virtual)  Please email me and I will send you a google meet invitation that day. 

Need Help with your Chromebook? 

Chromebook Login and Authentication

If your student is having trouble logging into his or her Chromebook, please follow these steps. If help is still needed, please call 355-HELP or email 355-HELP@greenville.k12.sc.us.

Student Username: (all lower case)

Student Password:

To authenticate a district Chromebook, click on the GCSD Authentication icon on the Chromebook. Students will log in using their GCS username and password. They will need to authenticate the Chromebook for 6 hours, and this must be done EVERY DAY.