Ms. Desmarais

 Contact Information:


Phone: (864) 355-0064

Classroom C011

TRHS Mission Statement

We exist to educate students both academically and socially so that they become responsible citizens of our local and global community.

TRHS Grade Posting Policy

All grades for your student will be posted within seven (7) calendar days from the date the assignment/assessment is collected. Major projects and lengthy term papers will have grades posted within fourteen (14) calendar days of collecting the assignment.

Teaching Philosophy

I have a true passion for teaching mathematics and I am looking forward to sharing my passion with TR! I love finding the connections between the math we teach and the real world applications. I intend on making my classroom a safe space for every student and human who walks in the door- a place where they can express themselves, feel heard, and develop the life skills they need to thrive.

About me

My name is Michelle Desmarais, and I am happy to return to the Travelers Rest community this year!  I am originally from Connecticut, I received my Bachelor's Degrees in Education and Mathematics from Southern CT State University, and my Masters of the Environment specializing in Sustainability Planning and Management from the University of Colorado in Boulder. I am certified to teach Early Childhood, Special Education, Elementary Education and Mathematics. When I worked at Charles Hayden Therapeutic Day School as a part of Boys and Girls Village in Connecticut I developed and taught the mathematics curriculum for the High School students. In addition to mathematics, I've taught sustainability (things like composting, energy efficiency, food preservation, advocacy, & healthy lifestyles) at the Greenville nonprofit Sustaining Way for two years and have been a mathematics tutor and organizational coach for the past decade. 

I feel at home recreating in the mountains and lakes- climbing, swimming, biking, running, & more. I hope to bike to work a few days each week to keep up with my fitness and to lower my carbon footprint!

Skydiving Summer 2023

Caring for Chickens at Sustaining Way