Ms. Mackey

6th grade Math

Janice Mackey

Learning Specialist



8:30-9:30 1st period Math Wykes

9:35- 10:35 2nd period Math Bargeron

10:41-11:30 Lunch

11:30- 12:35 3rd period Richey

12:30- 1:30 4th period Sloan

1:30- 2:20 5th period Planning

2:25- 3:15 6th period Lit Lab Class

Purpose: To prepare students academically, ethically, and socially for their future

Mission: To educate and nurture every student

Vision: To become a community of learners that inspires and supports academic excellence and social responsibility

All About Me


My name is Janice Mackey. I have 2 children, Brittany, 24, and Brandon, 22. Brittany is in Graduate School at East Carolina University and Brandon is a Senior at the University of South Carolina. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Wingate University and my Master's degree in Learning Disabilities from Georgia State University. I enjoy sports, cooking, and being with my children. I played basketball and volleyball in college. I love working with children.

All About Inclusion and Lit Lab

The Inclusion program at Bryson is very different from the program your child most likely has had in the past. In elementary school, your child was probably pulled out of a class (for example, out of a Regular English class), and into a separate Resource room where the resource teacher would teach that subject. At Bryson, we work in an Inclusion program. Your child will stay in the regular education classroom for every subject. I, as the Inclusion teacher, will go into your child’s English, Reading and/or Math classes to help them. Instead of your child coming to me for help, I go to them. I will see your child in the area of their weakness, either English, Reading or Math, at least every other day. In the classroom, I not only help the regular education teacher make the appropriate accommodations for your child, but I will also help your child in any way that they need. I will check with them to see if they need help, answer questions, and even work to keep everyone on-task.

Lit lab

If your child is scheduled for the Lit Lab class (which would have been discussed and added to the IEP at the end of last year), he/she will come to my classroom for one related arts period each day. Within this period, we will work on reading and comprehension skills and math. Your child may have this class either first or second semester, or not at all, depending on what is written in his/her IEP.

If you have any questions about Inclusion or Lit Lab, please contact me. I hope this has answered some of your questions. I’m sure we’ll have a terrific year!


My primary goal is to support student success in the middle school curriculum, addressing the specific objectives in the IEP to improve the necessary skills for meeting the state standards. Please refer to the South Carolina Department of Education website for Content Standards:

The following is the syllabus for the Educational Support class:

Educational Support Class

Bryson Middle School


Ms. Janice Mackey

Phone: 355-2100

Description of Students

The Ed Support class is made up of students with Learning Disabilities, Emotional Disabilities, Mental Disabilities, and Other Health Impairments. Each student has been tested and has qualified in specific areas.

The areas of qualification for Learning Disabilities are:

Basic Reading Skills

Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension

Oral Expression

Written Expression

Math Reasoning

Math Calculation

Each student qualifies in at least one area, if not more of the above areas.

The Other Health Impaired students are diagnosed with one or more of the following:

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)

Brain Injury

Other Health Problems

All students are served in the Regular Class with Support Services and are participating in the general curriculum under the South Carolina Standards. Each student has an Individualized Education Plan outlining deficits and goals for the year.

Some interests and hobbies of the students include drawing, sports, music, computers, skateboarding, and dancing.

Instructional Goals

System 44 will be utilized in the Lit Lab for Reading. System 44 is a foundational reading program designed for students grades 3-12 who require additional instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding and word strategies. Using computer- based instruction and practice along with systematic teacher-directed instruction, and frequent progress monitoring, students will receive the individualized reading intervention they require to progress toward grade level reading standards.

IXL is a computer based program for math practice that will give the students additional opportunities to practice grade level standards as well as remediate weak skill.

Course Schedule:

  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday- Instructional Software and Individual Groups
  • Thursday - Differentiated instruction, instructional software and Independent reading
  • Friday -Math Instruction and software

Organization of Instruction

1. Students will work on IXL and System 44 programs increasing their Math and Reading skills.

2. Each student’s progress will be monitored routinely. These progress reports will be available to each student and his/her teachers and parents. This direct communication with the student’s teachers and parents is an essential part of this course.

3. The individual needs and goals (personal and academic) of each student will be addressed and considered in all aspects of this course. Accommodations will be made as necessary.

Student Responsibilities

1. Each student is responsible for bringing ALL necessary materials to class daily. The student will be responsible for organizing a content area notebook and completing homework assignments written on assignment sheet.

2. Active participation in all teacher-directed and independent activities is required.

3. Each student is expected to use the class time and the assistance available to ensure his/her academic success.

4. Each student is expected to behave in an appropriate manner and show consideration for each person in class.

Behavior Management Plan

Class Rules

1. Be on time to class.

2. Bring all books and materials to class(pencil, paper, textbooks, assignments)

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. Obtain permission before speaking or leaving your seat.


1st Offense – Warning

2nd Offense – silent lunch

3rd Offense – parent contact

4th Offense - Referral

SEVERE CLAUSE – Automatic referral. Examples: fighting, disrespect to a teacher, defiant behavior, and damage to school property.

Positive behavior is rewarded with notes home, phone calls, verbal praise, and periodic reinforcers.

Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines

Permission will be requested for the following: sharpening pencils, throwing away trash, getting water, and restroom breaks.

*Early finishers will have an enrichment assignment.

*At the beginning of the period, the essential question will be discussed. Students will begin work and put assignment sheet on the desk to be checked by the teacher.

Attendance – will be taken during this time.

Tardy Policy – Once a student receives a 3rd tardy to class, he or she will serve ISS .

*Make-up work – students are to check with the teacher when they return from an absence and return the work within 5 days.

Grading Scale

The grading scaled utilized at Bryson Middle School will follow the school district scale as follows:

A 90 – 100

B 80 – 89

C 70 – 79

D 60 – 69

F Below 59

Lit Lab Grading:

Classwork/ Assignments 100%

Communication with Parents

Parents will be contacted throughout the year and are encouraged to call the school or send a note if a concern arises. The teacher will make contact in the following ways:

1. Copy of classroom rules, consequences, reinforcers, and procedures

2. Mid-nine week progress reports

3. Update IEP objectives semi-quarterly

4. Telephone calls/ emails

5. Conferences

6. IEP meetings as needed

Assessment Procedures

Students will be evaluated on class work in the Lit Lab. Methods of evaluation include teacher observations, teacher-made tests, curriculum-based assessments and student work samples.

Students will be periodically assessed formally and informally using the standard grading scale. Students will be graded on work accomplished at their instructional level as delineated in their IEP’s. Grades will be recorded in the grade book.

All students will participate in district assessments, such as PASS and MAP with the appropriate accommodations.


Here are some useful websites to sharpen your skills and provide assistance:

Online textbook:

This website provides tutorials for each concept taught, extra practice and interactive quizzes!!