Welcome Parents!

        I am looking forward to another wonderful year at Lake Forest! Please be sure to encourage your child to read daily, as well as practice math facts in order to keep them fluent.

       We will have limited paperwork this year, and students will do the majority of their assessments on Google Classroom.  You have access to this as a parent - please email me if you wish to set this up. Please review these, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    If you would like to, please contact me by phone (355-4025), email (lthudson@greenville.k12.sc.us), or with a note letting me know how I can contact you if you would like me to call you.

    If you have any problems or concerns, or just want to let me know about anything that is going on in your child's life, please let me know! I will work hard to work with you and your child to make education a top priority.

2023-24 Fourth Grade Syllabus
Videos to Help with Math