2025 Trip to Paris & French Riviera!  Parent INFORMATIONAL ZOOM is Tue. May 7, 5:30 click here  for zoom link and trip info:  docs.google.com/document/d/1kONnJNyqDgF_43HuIrPpokd403vThYlEjXKx3VzoUmM/edit?usp=sharing 


Click above for trip details or stop by Room B101 for info

Room B101

Phone Number- 355-6574

My Spring 23-24 Schedule

1st per Planning

2nd per World History CP

3rd per World History CP

4th per World History H

Office Hours:

§   student support/help: Before school 8:15-8:40 by appointment, during A lunch 2nd semester,-any other times/days by appointment

§  If you have specific concerns or questions, please e-mail me, and we can explore possible additional assistance options lhadlock@greenville.k12.sc.us

Modern World History 

Course Syllabus

Instructor:  Mrs. Hadlock

Room: B-101

E-mail: lhadlock@greenville.k12.sc.us

Course:  Modern World History 

Text:  World History: Patterns of Interaction. By Roger B. Beck, et al. (McDougal Littell) class set in classroom-pages assigned from e-edition in google classroom

Prerequisites: World Geography 

Methods:  A variety of methods will be used to disperse the necessary information including: lecture, discussion, research, reading comprehension, essays, films, graph & map work, etc. You will need to bring your chromebooks  EVERYDAY TO CLASS CHARGED AND READY TO GO-NO EXCEPTIONS! Please do not expect to charge your chromebooks in my classroom, (due to assigned seats & not enough outlets)) plug them in and charge overnight AT HOME, before school. 

1.      Students should expect to read/write often in any Social Studies classes & will complete required writing assignments each quarter.  

2.      Students should expect some form of formal assessment at the end of every unit.  These will include traditional tests, but also could include other electronic assessments for ex. powerpoints, webquests, etc.

3.      Minor Assessments like quizzes or assignments on Google classroom will be used to assess student progress and remediation. 

4.      Up to 4-6 major grades will be assigned every quarter. (ex. tests, internet projects)

5.     Tests and major grades will be an announced in plenty of time to prepare

Objectives:  1) Acquainting the student with fundamental knowledge of the History of the World.  2) Allowing the student practice in the areas of map reading, graph interpretation, and research skills in discerning information on a particular topic. 

Course Outline:  The focus of global studies is the major civilizations of the past and their contributions to the world as it exists today—in aspects that range from the geographic to the social and political. Critical thinking should be emphasized in this course, with an emphasis on why particular civilizations developed where and when they did, why they became dominant, why they declined, and how they have continued to influence the development of human culture. Historical periods covered are The Renaissance to 9/11.

Course Requirements:  Each student will keep a notebook of all material covered and assigned in class.  Two composition notebooks ARE REQUIRED (no spiral notebooks or binders!  Notebooks will be checked periodically to make sure that each student is keeping up and a grade will be assigned for each unit's notes.  

Grading and Evaluation:  Tests & Online Projects=Major grades..…………………… 60%

                                     Classwork, quizzes, notes, etc.=Minor grades……...40%

                                                 ***There will be a minimum of Five MAJOR assessments each nine weeks.  Tests/major grades, will always be announced in advance, and review materials will be provided that will stress the pertinent ideas.  Quizzes will be given often, and may not always be announced ahead of time, and it will be the teacher's prerogative to count the minor assessment as a grade or not.  But students are expected to do all work as if it were for a grade!

LATE WORK POLICY- Students can turn in late classwork/homework within 5 days of assigned date for a grade for minus 10 pts for each day late from the grade you make on the assignment .   This policy may not apply to major projects because you have extended time to do these for example if I give you 1-2 weeks to do a major assignment you have already gotten extended time to do the assignment!. **PROJECT DUE DATES ARE SET IN STONE, NO LATE PROJECTS UNLESS OTHERWISE EXCUSED FOR EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES DEEMED REASONABLE BY TEACHER.**** 

HONOR CODE- All students will be held to the standards agreed upon in the MHS Honor Code.  All major assessments will require students to agree to the Honor Code as set forth in the Student Handbook.  Also minor assessments will still be subject to the honor code.  NO CHEATING OR COPYING & NO PLAGERISM!  If caught. assignment can result in  zero for a grade and a referral for cheating/copying.

Grading Scale:  

                        A      90-100

                        B      80-89

                        C      70-79

                        D      69-60

                        F       59-0 

Availability:  I AM AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, AFTER SCHOOL, and during my planning period at lunch (3rd per). Students are always welcome to come have lunch in my room to make up work, get help, or just talk!

Attendance Policy:  Students are expected to attend class regularly (see attendance policy in Student Handbook).  Good attendance is mandatory if a student expects to do well in the class.  Students with unexcused absences WILL NOT be allowed to make up missed work including: quizzes and all in-class assignments.  Students with excused absences will refer to student handbook for how to make-up missed work.  IT IS ALWAYS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO GET THEIR OWN MAKE-UP WORK from Google classroom. You are in high school and I will not go behind you to hound you for missing assignments. GET ON BACKPACK FREQUENTLY to check for missing grades/assignments.  

Tardy Policy: Students are expected to be on time everyday and should be inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings.  Excessive tardiness will not be allowed. The bell rings and the door closes, if you come in after I have closed the door or after bell you are tardy- I do write tardy referrals according to school policy!!!!!! USE THE HAND SANITIZER BY THE DOOR EVERYTIME UPON ENTERING EVERY TIME

                                                                                    Classroom Rules:    

1) Be on time-You will get a consequence for being tardy-(see student handbook). 

                                    2) Place cell phones in slots on back wall when you enter classroom. I will tell you when you can retrieve them. NO EXCEPTIONS! Failure to do so can result in discipline. Be in your seat with a charged chromebook opened to Google classroom everyday when class begins-class begins at the bell!!! WE WORK BELL TO BELL, which means if you do your work in class-then you wont have homework!!

                                    3) No restroom passes unless it is an emergency. I do not write passes as a rule. Get your business done before bell. 5 passes per quarter strictly enforced! No passes 10 min. after class has begun or no passes 10 min. before dismissal.

                                    4) Follow Directions on agenda and Google classroom as well as oral instruction-duh lol!

                                    5) Bring all materials (composition notebooks & pencil) to class (including charged chromebooks)    

                                    6) No Food or Drink (WATER ONLY), NO SLEEPING IN CLASS-(duh again lol)

                                    7) NO cell phones in class (this is a new school wide rule). All cell phones will be deposited in the "cell phone parking lot" BEFORE THE TARDY BELL-EVERY day

                                    8) No hats, or sunglasses worn in class (school rule not mine)

                                    9) Be respectful to your fellow classmates, and teachers- always. NO CURSING or name-calling

                                    10) Come to class prepared to learn and achieve BELL TO BELL            

            ** Students are also responsible for adhering to all rules and consequences as outlined in the Student Handbook. 

Consequences for breaking rules:   A) Be given a warning, or referral  depending on the severity B) Parent will be called, or referral or both  C) be removed from classroom & sent to ISS

Severe Clause:  Any behavior that is detrimental to the learning environment or safety of the teacher or students warrants an absolute immediate consequence and NOT subject to the above a,b,c's~****

***REWARDS for extraordinary and good behavior:  Varies, but you can count on the fact that when you are doing what you are supposed to do, I NOTICE! And I tend to reward that in various ways. Strive to get me to catch you being GREAT! 

**NOTE:  The instructor has the right to update and change this syllabus and all guidelines and rules contained within at any time throughout the school year.  Students will be informed when changes do occur.

Be sure to watch the welcome video below! GO MAVS!!!!

Welcome video.webm

School Supplies list Mrs Hadlock 

·  sharpened pencils, black ink pens, *small travel size hand sanitizer, *travel size kleenex (*=optional)

·  Small hand held pencil sharpener, & a highlighter

·  REQUIRED: Composition notebook-NOT SPIRAL! ONLY THESE ARE ALLOWED for open note assignments!

·  Package of colored pencils

·  FYT (For Your Teacher if able to!) Boxes of Kleenex, paper towels

Course Outline/Pacing/Scope and Sequence: 

World History standards 

Standards ^^^^^^^

Unit Title

Duration (subject to change)

Projects and Major Assessments 

The MIddle Ages/Renaissance and Reformation

9 Days


Age of Exploration

7 Days



8 Days

Scientific Revolution/


10 Days


French Revolution

8 Days


Industrial Revolution

9 Days



9 Days


Interwar Years

12 Days



WWII/Cold War

10 Days


Final Exam

Review 7 Days

Final Exam