Mrs. Richey's Class

Richey's Schedule

1st period -8:45 -10:15 - Alternate English (Life Skills Lab 118)

2nd period- 10:20 - 11:55 - Essentials of English I, II, III, IV

3rd period-  11:55 - 2:05  -  Science I, II

4th period-  2:10 - 3:45 - Planning

Mrs. Richey

Special Educator: 

Credential Science and English

Certificate Science and English

Office Hours

I will be available every day from 2:15 - 4:00.     If you have questions you can email them to me at or you may call me at 864-355-3447. I will also be available for in person video conference during that time period. To set up an in person video conference please send me an email or schedule one with me during my planning period. 

Contact Information

Loretta D. Richey

Room 114

(864) 355 - 3447

Please make sure that I have your most recent email and cell phone number so we can stay connected! This is ensure that you receive any emails or newsletters that will be sent out at least monthly from our department!!

Lesson Plans 

See the calendars below to see what we are doing everyday!

Parent Backpack

Make sure to sign up for the school backpack! With Parent Backpack, you are able to view your child's grades, school attendance, and any discipline incidents when you are logged into the system. Best of all, Parent Backpack works on any device and is mobile friendly.

To access Parent Backpack, click here and to create an account. Please access directions by clicking on Creating a Parent Backpack Account: English directions or Direcciones en Espanol

Here's a video if you would like further instructions.

Our department has a private group page on Facebook called Rampage. Please search for this group and ask to be added. A permission form is needed every year to have your child participate. This is a fun way to stay connected about what is happening at school. This activity  is a way for our students to learn about digital citizenship, safety on the internet and how to make professional posts. 

Make sure to follow Greenville County Schools and Hillcrest High on Facebook. They both give so much important information in an easy to follow format.