Mrs. Pierce's Website
My Schedule:
First Semester Second Semester
1st Block: Geometry CP 1st Block: AP Statistics
2nd Block: Geometry Honors 2nd Block: AP Statistics
3rd Block: Geometry Honors 3rd Block: Geometry Honors
4th Block: Planning 4th Block: Planning
My Contact Information:
Phone: (864) 355-2879
Room # 235
The syllabus is available under each course title at the top of the page. I will be updating Google Classroom for each course weekly.
Eastside Late Work / Make Up Policy:
Make-up Work Policy
Make-up work is defined as work not completed or turned in due to a student’s absence.
This policy is set by the district.
Students may be allowed to make up work due to absences that are excused, unexcused or related to discipline with no penalty within 5 days or a reasonable time according to GCSD board policy.
If a student misses work due to an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to coordinate time with the teacher within 5 days of return to make up the work. Any work not submitted within the 5 day makeup period will turn into “late work.”
Alternative assignments may be given for performance-based tasks that cannot be recreated in a make-up format.
If a student is present on the day a test, quiz or project due date is announced and then absent on the day of the test, quiz or project deadline, he/she must be prepared to take the test, quiz or turn in the project on the day he/she returns to school.
Field trips and participation in other extracurricular events (such as athletics) are considered attendance days. Work missed due to such events can be submitted electronically by midnight on the day that it is due. Items that cannot be submitted electronically should be submitted the following attendance day.
A zero may be put in the gradebook as a placeholder until the assignment is completed, turned in and graded.
Students are encouraged to utilize the before and after school tutoring programs to complete make-up and late work in a proactive manner.
Late Work Policy
Teachers reserve the right to alter this policy based on extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances should be discussed with the administration.
Late work is defined as work not completed/turned in on time even though the student attended the class.
Any assignment which is not turned in on time will be deducted 10 points off of the original grade earned for each school day the assignment is late up to five days.
After five days, the student will be assigned a 0 for the assignment.
Late work will not be accepted after the end of a grading period.
Students who have 504/IEP/ESOL accommodations specifically allowing for extra time may exceed the 5 day window to maintain compliance with their respective educational plan.
Dual Credit courses may have varying late work policies that are aligned with their parent university.
A zero may be put in the gradebook as a placeholder until the assignment is completed, turned in and graded.
Students are encouraged to utilize the before and after school tutoring programs to complete make-up and late work in a proactive manner.