Mr. Greg Torbert

English/Language Arts- 6th Grade

Team 6-1

Phone: 864-355-7955

Extra Help Hours: 7:45-8:10

(Extra help must be prearranged and student should have a teacher-created SmartPass) 

In the event of eLearning for any reason, classes will be held via GoogleMeets at students' regularly scheduled class time.  Students are expected to attend by clicking on the GoogleMeet link at the top left of each class’s GoogleClassroom Stream page.

RMS Mission Statement: A community of learners, developing the world class skills to be productive, engaged members of a global citizenry.


In pursuit of giving students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in accordance with a growth mindset, Riverside Middle School has set forth the following redo/retake policy:

● Students or their guardians may request one opportunity to redo each major grade. Students/parents must submit their request for a redo/retake within one school week of the graded assessment being returned.

● Before an assessment is redone/retaken, students must complete a re-learning opportunity as determined by the teacher and agreed upon through a documented discussion between the teacher, student, and/or guardian.

● The retake score will replace the original score whether or not it is higher than the original score.

● Students may not request a redo/retake on work handed in late.

● Re-learning opportunities may include independent learning tasks, review activities, before or after-school tutoring with a teacher, Flex time remediation, or other activities deemed appropriate by the teacher.

● Minor assessments may be redone/retaken at the discretion of the teacher, in order to support learning.

Mr. Torbert Redo/Retake Request Form

Parent Backpack 

Parents, please know you may check your child's grades by logging in to the Parent Backpack. If you have questions about this, please contact the school for a username and password.  

Thank you.