
As an educator, I believe in a school/community partnership which empowers us all—students, parents, and teachers. My goal is to produce well-prepared students who will prove to be successful on the state exams, standard academia, and be positive, contributing citizens in society and the workforce. In order to ensure student success, students should exhibit standard courtesy and respect for the teacher, and his or her classmates. Students are held accountable for obeying all school rules and classroom rules posted in the classroom.

1st Semester Class Schedule

1st Per.: Planning - 8:45 - 10:20

2nd Per.: - 10:26 - 11:56

3rd Per.: 12:02 - 2:10

3rd Lunch: 1:05 - 1:35

4th Per.: 2:16 - 3:45

2nd Semester Class Schedule

1st Per.: Planning - 8:45 - 10:20

2nd Per.: - 10:26 - 11:56

3rd Per.: 12:02 - 2:10

3rd Lunch: 1:05 - 1:35

4th Per.: 2:16 - 3:45

Teacher Intro.mov