
Jennifer Lawler, Attendance Clerk

Office: 864-355-5808, Fax 864-355-9779


We hope the information you find here is helpful and answers any questions you have about student attendance for the school year.  Below are a few reminders to help you and your student have a successful year at GMS.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact Jennifer Lawler (, our Attendance Clerk.


School starts promptly at 8:30 AM.  Please be early to make it to class on time. 

NEW: Parents will need to walk their child into the front office and sign them in if it is AFTER 8:30 am.

-Students are only allowed to miss 10 school days a year;

-A parent must submit a note for any absence or it will be counted as unexcused ,2 days upon return.

-School is dismissed at 3:15PM.  Students should be picked up no later than 3:45 PM.

-No early dismissals will be permitted after 2:30 PM.

Click here to submit a note for your student's absence 

Scan/Attach/Send a doctors note to

Absence notes and doctor's excuses can be faxed to 864-355-9779

-A parent must submit a note the morning of the early dismissal.

-No early dismissals will be permitted after 2:30 PM.