Geri A. Kinlaw

Room C003


Office Hours: By Appointment

1st Semester Schedule

1st Block: Psychology/Sociology

2nd Block: Civics

3rd Block: Psychology/Sociology

4th Block: Planning

2nd Semester Schedule

1st Block: Psychology/Sociology

2nd Block: Civics

3rd Block: AP Human Geography

4th Block: Guidance/Clemson

TRHS Mission Statement

We exist to educate students both academically and socially so that they become responsible citizens of our local and global community.

TRHS Grading Policy

All grades for your student will be posted within seven (7) calendar days from the date the assignment/assessment is collected. Major projects and lengthy term papers will have grades posted within fourteen (14) calendar days of collecting the assignment.

TRHS Late & Makeup Work Policy

Students are expected to attend class regularly. If you know you will be absent, please see me ahead of time about makeup work. Remember, you can always email me if you are home sick. 

Also, when you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get your makeup work AND arrange a time to make up quizzes/tests. 

As per the student handbook, you have 5 days to make up work that you missed with no penalty. Please remember, though, that assignments given ahead of time and missed upon your absence should be turned in your NEXT day at school. 

There is a 30% reduction in late work for grades in a CP class. 

There is a 50% reduction in late work for AP classes. 

Parents' Guide to Google Classroom.pdf