Mrs.Jackson's Social Studies 6 Classes

Riverside Middle School Mission Statement:

A community of learners, developing the world class skills to be productive , engaged members of a global citizenry.

2023-24 RMS Theme: Level Up!

Welcome to Team 6-2! Our teacher team leaders are Ms. Roper (ELA), Ms. Pereira (Science), Mr. Turner (Math), me (Mrs. Jackson-Social Studies).

Teacher contact :; phone 864-355-7983

Extra Help Hours: 3:15-3:45 Monday-Thursday by appointment only.

Reminder: Parents may check their child's progress by logging in to either the parent or student backpack portal.



Menu of Options for Student Success 2023-2024

Parents Guide to Google Classroom

Riverside Middle School's and Mrs. Jackson's Request for Redo/Retake Form – Parents or students may use this form to request a redo/retake on a major assignment per the school’s redo/retake policy which may be found on page 23 of the  student handbook.

Redo/Retake Form 2023-2024 (click on the link, make a copy, and fill out the form)

Daily Schedule D. Jackson 2022-2023