Mr. Zuehlke's Website

Welcome to Mauldin High School!

I am Mr. Zuehlke and I am excited to be teaching Earth Science and Environmental Science Lab!

My room number is B325, it is on the 3rd floor of the B building right by the C stairwell.

Click on Earth Science to find information and the Weekly Planner, and Syllabus (First & Second Semester 2023-2024)

All students need to provide a composition notebook for class bell ringers

See my schedule and contact information below and on the About Me page.

Mr. Zuehlke

Room # B325

Phone Number- 355-6595 (Voicemail)

Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8 AM - 8:40 AM

Please make arrangements before visiting!


Please see the bell schedules using this link 2023-2024 MHS Bell Schedule

Please see this link for Chromebook repair procedures

Keep up to date with Mauldin High School news and events using the main webpage here. You can also access student and parent Backpack via links on the Mauldin High School website as well as other resources.

Class Room Wish List: