Mr. Davis's Class

Welcome to Mr. Davis's class 2022-23.

At West Greenville we have lots of new educational opportunities this school year. Students have the opportunity to choose two electives that will help them towards career exploration. The elective that I am teaching this year is Applied Trades. Along with understanding how to repair small engines students also will be learning about refinishing furniture, and the 6 simple machines that are the basis for all mechanical jobs.

The easiest way to follow along with your student's progress this school year is through Their Google Classroom site. Lessons and messages are posted on a daily basis. So if your student is ever out of school for any reason, they can find lessons they missed.

Edgenuity Classroom

Applied Trades

Important Websites for 2022-2023 School Year

EDGenuity: Use for Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Probability and Statistics, and Geometry


Useful High school math websites:

Applied Trades:


Instructions for downloading material to student Chromebooks are here:

Accediendo a Google Classroom... and Accessing Google Classroom...