Ms. Medlin's Website
Room #321
Contact Info:
-Phone Number- 355-6588
Semester 2 Schedule
1st Period– Planning
2nd Period- CP Biology
3rd Period - CP Earth Science
4th Period - CP Earth Science
Makeup Tests : 8:05 and 3:50 on the first Thurs after the test. If there is a time conflict, please contact me before 3:45 on the Monday before so an appt can be made for another day in the same week.
Biology: 3:55-4:55 on Tues. in Rm 307 w Ms Frazier and on Thurs. in Rm 317 w Ms. Barnes
Earth Science: Tue 3:55-4:55
*To attend THURSDAY morning, the student must email me they are coming no later than 3:40 the day before (Wednesday). I will reply and the email will serve as a digital pass to get to my classroom.