I try to use positive reinforcement as much as possible. I use more rewards than punishments.  In my experience children respond better to rewards, than they do to punishments.

In my classroom, I use Conscious Discipline. Conscious Discipline is a social-emotional program that teaches children how to regulate and manage emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices.  I teach children to talk through their problems.  They need to let someone know if something is bothering them, and then take appropriate steps to solve their problems.  I also teach them how to behave in our classroom community.  They learn to show respect to each other.

 I also use Class Dojo.  All students will bring home a paper explaining how to join our classroom and see your child's points. 

For following directions, persevering, solving problems without teacher help, being kind, working hard and other good choices, the students earn a point in Class Dojo. For any poor choices such as blurting out, being disrespectful, and not following directions, students will lose a point.  When students have earned 15 points on Class Dojo, they may redeem them for a prize. All students have a "croc" bracelet, and get to earn charms for them- every quarter we will take them off and re-earn them.