Ms. Hawkins' 2nd Grade Class

Ms. Hawkins'

2nd Grade Class

Daily Schedule


7:30-7:45 Arrival/Unpack/STEM Tubs

7:45-8:00 News and Morning Meeting

8:00-8:30 WIN (What I Need)

8:30-9:30 Math

9:30-10:15 Writing Workshop

10:15-10:40 Physical Activity

10:40-11:05 Lunch

11:15-12:00 *Related Arts

12:00-12:45 Language & Word Study

12:45-1:35 Reading Workshop

1:35-2:15 Science/Social Studies








 Friday-Computer Lab

Class Mission Statement

Our mission in second grade is to work hard and 

prepare for third grade.  We want to get an 

education so we can grow up to be good citizens.

We are Crestview - Community Pride and Academic Excellence