Ms. McGuey's Classroom Blog


Updated: Week of September 20, 2021

Hello Parents!

Overview: This week we will be participating in Student Vote. This provides a great opportunity to have some (spirited?) discussion about the federal issues and how they impact your family. All grades will also be doing a reading comprehension diagnostic test which correlates reading to a specific strategy. This is not something that should be seen as empirical or diagnostic.

Weekly Updates: Weekly updates can now be accessed by clicking on the appropriate grade level above. As stated in my update from last week, please have your child log onto GOOGLE CLASSROOM if you are interested in seeing day-to-day tasks or if your child needs to access them due to an absence or any other reason.

I look forward to the week ahead and our ongoing communication. Please feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions.


Lisa McGuey

Updated: Week of September 13, 2021

Hello Parents!

Overview: I hope that all is well as we begin to settle into the school year. I know things can be tenuous given the current health situation and I would like to say that I appreciate all parents are doing to keep their children safe and at ease. Thank you.

As we move into the next week, in addition to what we are doing in class, I would encourage families to talk about our country's upcoming federal election. Students will be participating in the "Student Vote" program on Monday, September 20. This program offers students an opportunity to vote just as their adult counterparts would. Results from participating schools around the country are then compared to actual results.

A great way to promote active citizenship!

Weekly Updates: Weekly updates can now be accessed by clicking on the appropriate grade level above. As stated in my update from last week, please have your child log onto GOOGLE CLASSROOM if you are interested in seeing day-to-day tasks or if your child needs to access them due to an absence or any other reason.

I look forward to the week ahead and our ongoing communication. Please feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions.


Lisa McGuey

Updated: Week of September 6, 2021

Hello Parents!

Overview: I hope that you have reports of the first week going well for your students. As a school, we tried to start off slow and make everyone feel comfortable. Within class itself, we talked a lot about what grades 8 and 9 mean in terms of expectations and curriculum. I tried to focus on the fact that I want students to give THEIR individual bests every day. This way, I will be able to help them grow and improve their skills within this area. Learning is a partnership. We also talked about the importance of asking for help over struggling and what advocating for learning may look like in this class...particularly when it comes to assignment due dates or the need for extra learning around a certain skill.

Weekly Updates: Weekly updates can now be accessed by clicking on the appropriate grade level above. As stated in my update from last week, please have your child log onto GOOGLE CLASSROOM if you are interested in seeing day-to-day tasks or if your child needs to access them due to an absence or any other reason.

I look forward to the week ahead and our ongoing communication. Please feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions.


Lisa McGuey

Updated: Week of September1, 2021

Welcome to Ms. McGuey's Classroom Blog!

I'm glad you found your way to my updated blog! This blog will house information and reminders for students enrolled in my Humanities 8 & 9 courses for the 2021-2021 school year.

Use of Blog & Google Classroom:

Throughout the year, students will be using Google Classroom as a homefor tasks, assignments and submissions. All announcements made here will also be made via Google Classroom's front page, its "Stream" for students. Given that it is only students that can access Google Classroom, should parents want further information or to see examples of the tasks and/or assignments referenced here, they are very much encouraged to have their child sign into Google Classroom using their student email address in order to do this. While I will post general overviews here, day-to-day tasks will only be available through the student's Google Classroom.

Emailing Outside of School Hours:

Of course, I am available via email should either parents or students have questions outside of class time. I would ask that you do your best to email me via my email as this is what I use for day-to-day communication. I will do my best to get back to you promptly, however, please allow up to 48 hours. I do my best to respond to student queries received before 6:30pm on the day they are received. Emails received on the weekend may not be answered until the following Monday or Tuesday.

Using the Blog for Communication:

Please check back to this blog often! I will put general announcements here whereas announcements specific to a particular class/grade can be accessed by clicking on the links in the top right hand corner of this site. At minimum, I will post weekly outlines for what we will be doing in class for the upcoming week along with important dates. Please note that these updates will simply be an overview of the information that is posted via the student's Google Classroom.

Looking Forward to the Year Ahead!:

By far, my greatest joy is getting to work with young people every day. I cannot wait to get to know you better over the upcoming days and weeks and to spending the upcoming year learning together!

See you in class!

Ms. McGuey