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Ms. Lucinda Brunson, MA. /GCDF

DMS Lead Professional School Counselor

8th Grade Guidance Counselor

Work 843.398.4302

"You have to believe in yourself when no one esle does." LeBron James


ABD (All But Dissertation) Fall 2010, Walden University

Certified Global Career Development Facilitator Instructor, Center for Credentialing & Ed.

M.A. plus 30, Instructional Technology, Cambridge College of Boston Massachusetts

Certified Guidance Counselor, SC Department of Education,

M.A., Clinical Counseling, Webster University

B.S., Sociology, Francis Marion University


Ms. Brunson is currently a professional school counselor at Darlington Middle School and looks forward to the school year as a DMS Falcon. She provides classroom guidance, assist in coordinating 504 Plans, administer the PSAT, conduct Individualized Graduation plans for 8th graders and responsible for collaborating academic assistance for at-risk students. As a school guidance counselor, her belief and goal for her students is to foster academic and personal growth. She aims to prepare, support, and encourage them for success in such a challenging society.

Prior to coming to DMS, Ms. Brunson was a guidance counselor at West Hartsville Elementary School. Noting, she has worked both elementary and middle school levels previously with Florence School District Four.