Vaping Education

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MCVSD 51 Healthy Schools and MCVSD 51 Curriculum Department are pleased to provide resources on Vaping Education for Schools, Parents and Students.

Let's Clear the Air!

51.4% of D51 high school students admit to using an electronic vapor product.

Breakdown by grade level:

  • 9th Grade: 38.6%

  • 10th Grade: 48.4%

  • 11th Grade: 58.7%

  • 12th Grade: 59.9%

31.8 % of D51 High School students admit to using an electronic vaping device in the past 30 days compared to 25.9% overall high school students in the State of Colorado.

(2019 Healthy Kids CO Survey Data)

D51 Tobacco-Free Policy

ADC Tobacco Free Schools.pdf