Coinbase not working

Why is Coinbase not working? | Fix Coinbase 2 step verification

Coinbase not working- Take a look at the main reasons and top solutions 

Are you using the Coinbase exchange to complete your crypto trading tasks? If your answer is yes, then you might have experienced some minor issues with the platform. Although these minor issues can be resolved easily by taking a few easy steps, then there are some issues that need serious concern. So, here we'll be shedding some light on why is Coinbase not working and the best methods to fix the issue. 

So, without wasting any further time, let us now jump into learning the essential details concerning Coinbase not working issue. 

Reasons why is Coinbase 2 step verification not working

The following could be the main factors responsible for the issues that you are facing while trying to access the platform or signing in to it:

Why is Coinbase app not working on iPhone and Android?

Is Coinbase not working on Android or iOS devices? Well, there could be several causes that might result in such a situation. Hence, we are here with those factors, that according to us, are the reasons for the problem:

Top ways for Coinbase app troubleshooting 

The best ways to fix Coinbase not working on your mobile device have been listed below. Try them out one by one:

Still Coinbase not working? In that case, you can seek Coinbase login help from its experts. 

How to fix Coinbase Connection Issues on desktop and mobile?

The following actions can be taken if you are facing connectivity issues with Coinbase on your desktop or mobile phone:

Fix- Coinbase not showing balance just dots

If while fetching the balance of your Coinbase account, you're just seeing the dots and nothing else, then you can give it another try. Meanwhile, there is a trick that users have been using to get the correct balance in this scenario. You just need to long-press these dots and your balance would appear on your screen. 

However, if that does not work, get in touch with their team or try back after some time. If still Coinbase not working the way it is supposed to be, then the last resort is getting in touch with a crypto expert or getting in direct touch with the team. 

Is Coinbase crash today?

If the platform is experiencing downtime or they are undergoing some planned or unplanned maintenance, then you may not be able to access any or all of its service until it resumes working. So, check the Coinbase server status and wait till they resolve the issue at their end. In the cases of scheduled maintenance, they will notify you about the time at which they will resume working. 


Why is Coinbase not working and what can I do to fix such issues- these are the top questions asked by Coinbase users. If you were also having similar queries, then I hope this article has helped you resolve this problem. In each section, we have tried to address different concerns of the users so that they can resume their crypto trading journey with Coinbase. 

FAQs - 

While trying to access your Coinbase account, if you see an error message stating that "Sorry, account temporarily disabled" then there might be some restrictions imposed on your account. To get this restriction lifted, you need to go through a Coinbase Security review and provide them with the necessary details. 

Coinbase imposes some limits and restrictions on the user's account. In case you are unable to withdraw funds out of your Coinbase account, then you must have exceeded the withdrawal limit on your Coinbase account. The restriction on withdrawal limits is restored at 4 pm PST. So, you can try withdrawing after that. 

If you are unable to carry out a particular transaction from your Coinbase account, then there is a huge possibility that Coinbase is suspecting the authorization of the transaction. So, if they think that it is not you who has initiated the transaction, then your transaction would not be completed and you need to get in touch with the support team to resolve the issue. 

If you are facing some serious issues with your Coinbase account, then you can surely call them to get the desired answer to your query. On the other hand, you can also message them by navigating to the Coinbase Help Center and choosing the "Message Us" option. Make sure to provide all the necessary details that concern your query. 

If you are trying to access your Coinbase account and the login screen won't show up at all, then there might be a problem with the internet connection on your device. If it is slow or unstable, then the page will not load properly. 

Coinbase allows its customers to make the required changes in the information that they have provided during the sign-up. However, if you are changing a crucial piece of information, then you need to submit documented proof for the same. If the details do not match, then you will have issues verifying your identity on Coinbase. 

Is Coinbase not working via its app? Well, you need to make sure that you are using the most recent version of the app. For this, you can either update the existing software or you can also un-install and re-install the application one more time. However, in case of internet-related issues or problems with the device's operating, you may also face the same issue.