Database Management Project

Hypothetical Scenario

  • The Rocket Corporation, a faction in the Pokemon world, bought a chain of PokeStore that sell essential items for Pokemon Trainers.
  • At the same time, they initiated a membership program. Trainers who participate in this program receive discounts on RocketStore items.
  • In return, members must install an app on their PokeGear that send certain information about their adventures to the Rocket HQ.
  • Our team is tasked to design a basic database system that handle the flow of these information.
  • This project only demonstrates the basic database design and implementation using two Database Platforms: mariaDB and mongoDB. Intermediate applications, servers, private clouds, and other elements are outside the scope of this project.
  • mariaDB (relational database) is used as the main data archive for the organization.
  • mongoDB (non-relational database) is used to create a highly available source of unstructured data that are used for high velocity and volume transactions.

Hypothetical System Flow Chart

MIS411- System FlowChart.pdf

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