Ms de Andrade's webpage

Google Classroom codes for 2021-2022 classes:

Algebra 2, 1st period: trzhgfr

Algebra 2, 2nd period: dz2qjie

Financial Literacy, 3rd period: ot4ueax

Introduction to Data Science, 6th period: swf7hsr

Algebra 2, 7th period: 7rk6eya

Remind app:

All math students students should sign up for the Remind app.

The code for Algebra 2 is @croftalg2, Financial Literacy is @croftfinlt, and Data Science is @croftids


If you're a member of NHS, join our Google Classroom. The code is zakkfhu. You should also join the Remind app, the code is @326gh6

If you're a member of the GSA, join our Google Classroom. The code is wjy4dht. You can also add us to the Remind app to get announcements. The code is @croftgsa