eBooks, Audiobooks, Read Alouds

Students have access to high quality ebooks and audiobooks at home and school.

Hundreds of eBooks for all grade levels and connected to CCPL

Access through My Portal and Clever

Overview of Sora

Add Sora to Your Own Device

Over 8,000 ebooks available for grades K-5 including nonfiction. Many have audiobook options.

Access through My Portal and Clever

Overview of MyON (English)

Instrucciones para iniciar sesión en Clever- Spanish

Guía para padres y familias (Espanol)

Encontrar libros MyON en español

Hoopla, RB Digital, and other apps to access ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. Easy access to CCPL OverDrive via Sora.

ALL our CCSD students have full access to CCPL's digital resources and can visit any branch. Their CCSD username (lasfir1234) is their library card number!

Collection of Recorded read alouds for children's books

Resources for students and parents full of author interviews. websites, recommendations and more