CAM Academy

5th grade ELA and History

Welcome to my website homepage. I thoroughly enjoy teaching our outstanding students and serving our wonderful families at CAM. I teach 5th grade language arts and history and my team teacher teaches math and science . My preferred pastimes when I'm not busy with school related activities include hiking, scrap booking, and vacationing. Although I've been to 45 of the US states and 7 other countries the best all time vacation spots for me are Cannon Beach and Disneyland. My favorite color is blue and favorite coffee drink is a white chocolate mocha.

Please refer to the files page on this site throughout the year to review the 5th grade policies; Habits of Learners and chrome book policies, which were also covered at the parent meeting; and the syllabus for history and language arts as well as the health/fitness and art contracts.

On the assignments page, you will find what we completed in class each day, due dates for assignments and projects, and dates for upcoming tests as well as other important information and reminders. To view previous days click on the slide button at the bottom and you can view up to the last 16 days by date in descending order. Go to this location to review the homework or check what was missed during an absence. Remember as stated and signed in the 5th grade policies and CAM student handbook, if the absence reason is for other than illness or family emergency, the classwork is due the day the student returns.

Check Skyward at least once a week for updates on grades and missing assignments. You will receive a progress update by email each month regarding your child's overall status in each subject and in the CAM program overall (satisfactory, satisfactory with concern, or unsatisfactory), but you don't want to be caught off guard when you are called in for a conference due to your child's unsatisfactory status. Most of the time an unsatisfactory status is due to missing assignments so you can easily prevent this if you know your child has difficulty in this area by catching missing assignments early enough for your child to complete and get partial credit for them (within one week of the due date, unless absent due to illness or family emergency).

The best way to communicate with me during the school day is through my district email: