
Adham Ameen Abdulrahman

Head of Pedodontics,Orthodontic, Preventive Department

Editing Manager of the Sulaimani Dental Journal

Welcome to my Academic Profile page.

I am a lecturer and holding MSc degree in Orthodontics in the College of Dentistry at University of Sulaimani (2010) and PhD degree, in the same specialty at the Newcastle University, United Kingdom (2017). Currently teaching Orthodontics in the College of Dentistry at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

E-mail: adham.abdulrahman@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: +964(0)7701576099

My academic activity in my college are:

1. Lecture for the undergraduate students.

2. Supervision in the orthodontic clinics and Lab.

My research interests focus on;

1. Cephalometric analysis.

2. Quality of life of patients with different types of orthodontic appliances.

3. Psychology of orthodontic patients.

4. Class III malocclusion.