Welcome to Kindergarten!

Watch the video below to help with letter sounds   


Math- March 


*Identify and know the value of the penny, nickel, dime and quarter.

*Mix match different coins : examples 1 dime and 3 pennies, 2 nickels and 4 pennies, 1 quarter and 1 nickel

* Fair Trades: 10 pennies= 1 dime, 5 nickels =1 dime

*What coins would I need to buy something for 27 cents, what coins would I need for 18 cents

Language Arts: 

Breaking words in syllables

Handwriting letters: All letters

Blends: sl, ch, st, ck, wh, th,

Endings: er, ay, ing, ed

Story Elements: Characters, setting, plot, and theme, Fiction, Non fiction 

Writing: Topics to write about and why

Counting Syllables and rhyming words

Parts of Speech-Nouns, Verb and adjectives


Contact Information

Mrs. Zwick


St. Martha Catholic School


2411 Oak Shores Dr. 

Kingwood, Tx 77339

Welcome to Kindergarten Letter for Parents