September 18, 2018

Problem of the Week

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

At Grandpa's birthday party, Uncle Pascal takes out a 21 ounce jug filled to the brim with his Magic Elixir, a 5 ounce empty flask, a 7 ounce empty flask, and a 21 ounce empty jug. ``If you can figure out how to put exactly one ounce in each of the two flasks and leave me with 19 ounces of the elixir, you can each take a drink from a flask." Both Grandpa and your dad would love to have a drink of his magic elixir but have no idea how meet your uncle's requirements. Can you help them?

(To notate your answer, you can begin with 21, 0, 0, 0. If you were to pour 7 ounces from the filled jug into the seven-ounce flask, step one would be notated by 14, 0, 7, 0.)

Winners of Elixir challenge