和田 毅(ワダ タケシ)






1990年 東京大学教養学部教養学科中南米分科卒業

1993年 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科地域文化研究専攻修士課程修了

2003年 アメリカ コロンビア大学社会学学科 PH.D.


  • Latin American Social Movements: Globalization, Democratization, and Transnational Networks(“Claim network analysis: How are social protests transformed into political protests in Mexico?”を分担執筆、Rowman and Littlefield Publishers、2006).


    • Predictors of female condom use among women exchanging street sex in New York City” (S. Witte, N. El-Bassel, L. Gilbert, J. Wallaceと共著). Sexually Transmitted Diseases 27(2):93-100 (2000).
    • “Drug abuse and partner violence among women in methadone treatment” (N. El-Bassel, L. Gilbert, R. F. Schillingと共著). Journal of Family Violence 15(3):209-228 (2000).
    • “Partner violence and sexual HIV risk behaviors among women in methadone treatment” (L. Gilbert, N. El-Bassel, R. F. Schilling, B. Bennetと共著). AIDS and Behavior 4(3):261-269 (2000).
    • “Correlates of partner violence among female street-based sex workers: substance abuse, history of childhood abuse, and HIV risks” (N. El-Bassel, S. Witte, L. Gilbert, J. Wallaceと共著). AIDS Patient Care and STDS 15(1):41-51 (2001).
    • “Correlates of poverty and partner abuse among women on methadone” (C. L. Moreno, N. El-Bassel, L. Gilbertと共著). Violence Against Women 8(4):455-475 (2002).
    • A Historical and Network Analysis of Popular Contention in the Age of Globalization in Mexico. Department of Sociology, Columbia University (博士論文、2003).
    • “Intimate partner violence and substance abuse among minority women receiving care from an inner-city emergency department.” (N. El-Bassel, L. Gilbert, S. Witte, E. Wu, T. Gaeta, R. F. Schillingと共著). Womens Health Issues 13(1):16-22 (2003).
    • “Event analysis of claim making in Mexico: How are social protests transformed into political protests?” Mobilization: An International Journal 9(3):241-257 (2004).
    • “Civil society in Mexico: popular protest amid economic and political liberalization. ” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 25(1/2):87-117 (2005).


    • “Repertoires of Contention in the Social Movement Research.” Sociology Colloquium Series, University of Missouri-Columbia. April 25, 2007.
    • “The future of political violence data: mechanics and methods.” Data presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (Task Force on Political Violence Workshop on Datasets), Philadelphia. August 31-September 3, 2006.
    • “Opponents and Mediators: popular protests and political change in Mexico.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas. October 6-8, 2004.
    • “Who is the target of popular protests? A study of boomerang effect strategies in Mexico.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago. September 2-5, 2004.
    • “Event analysis of claim making in Mexico: How are social protests transformed into political protests?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (Social Movements in the Global South Session), San Francisco. August 14-17, 2004.
    • “Racial differences in mental health utilization in an HIV primary care clinic” (with J. Lobozzo, H. Wolfe, R. Wolfe, and V. Sharp). Poster exhibition at the XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok Thailand, July 11-16, 2004.
    • “Relational Event Analysis of Popular Protests in Mexico, 1964-2000.” The Department of Sociology, State University of New York Stony Brook. November 23, 2004.
    • “Relational Event Analysis of Popular Protests in Mexico, 1964-2000.” The Department of Sociology, Harvard University. November 15, 2004.
    • "Economic restructuring, political liberalization, and shifting patterns of popular protest in Mexico, 1964-2000." The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. February 10, 2004.
    • “Using Relational Database Programs in the Political Event Research.” Database presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago. April 4, 2003.
    • “Who are the main actors and brokers in Mexican popular contention?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Dallas. March 29, 2003.
    • "How to do logistic regression analysis?" St. Luke-Roosevelt Hospital, New York. September 4, 2003.
    • "Civil society in Mexico: a historical and network analysis of popular protests during a period of economic liberalization." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (Sociology of Development Regular Session), Chicago. August 18, 2002.
    • "'Critical' civil society in Mexico: changing patterns of popular protest in a period of economic and political liberalization." Paper presented at the Center for Historical Social Science Workshop, Columbia University. April 15, 2002.
    • "Economic restructuring, political liberalization, and shifting patterns of popular protest in Mexico." Paper presented at the Workshop on Contentious Politics, Center for Social Sciences, Columbia University. March 25, 2002.
    • "Who attacks whom? Changing subject-object networks in Mexican popular protests." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C. September 8, 2001.
    • “El Barzon debtors’ movement in Mexico,” The Institute of Latin American and Iberian Studies, Columbia University, New York. February 24, 1997.
    • "AIDS risk behavior among women in methadone treatment" (with V. Catan, R. F. Schilling, N. El-Bassel, B. Bidassie). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver. 1996.
    • "Abuse-related traumas associated with sex work among women in methadone maintenance. Attitudes towards female condom use among women on methadone" (with L. Gilbert, N. El-Bassel, R. F. Schilling). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver. 1996.
    • "Predictors of HIV infection for women in methadone treatment" (with V. Catan, R. F. Schilling, N. El-Bassel, D. Altarac, B. Bidassie). Paper presented at the 124th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York. 1996.