
Mr. Miller

Current Classes I am Teaching This Year (2023-2024):

Contact Information:

Email: rmmiller@jeffco.k12.co.us or rmmiller@jeffcoschools.us

Phone: 303-982-1940

**This website contains a daily schedule and due dates of everything that is done in class each day on the listed pages (Individual classes are on the side bar menu to the left). There are hyperlinks for electronic documents, activities, and assignments that are done in each class. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to check the calendar for what they missed that day and to access/print off any materials or readings that they need to makeup or assignments or assessments that were due that day. They may also come in and see Mr. Miller during Academic Enrichment (AE), during my off block, my duty block, or make an appointment after school to receive any material that they have missed.**

Mr. Miller's Schedule