
Department of Liberal Arts

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Kandi, Sangareddy: 502285

Telangana, India.

Office number: B 413

Tel : +91 (40) 2301 7045

Email: mahati@la.iith.ac.in

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I am an Associate Professor of Health & Medical Psychology in the Department of Liberal Arts at the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.

My main research focus is on:

i) Psycho-oncology: pathways to care, literacy, labeling and language, communication (both empathic and content), coping, quality of life, illness representations, patient-caregiver-physician relationship/interaction, end-of-life issues and decision-making.

ii) Adherence: factors associated with adherence to healthy behaviours/doctor's recommendations, especially among chronically ill populations.

iii) Health behaviours: diet, exercise, safe sex.

iv) Relationship science: dating, romantic relationships, and engaging in intimacy.

I explore these topics through a variety of lens such as family and individual factors, socio-political frameworks and, more frequently, culture.