Mrs. Brightwell's & Mrs. Clauter's 4K

February is a busy month filled with lots of fun things to do!  The children are working on making Valentine's Cards for one another.  In this way they will get lots of practice writing their names & the names of their friends.  We continue to listen for the sounds in the beginning, middle & end of words.  We are also focusing on rhyming words.  We have begun making our Nursery Rhyme books in which your child will illustrate some popular nursery rhymes.

In math we are practicing counting to 20 & beyond.  Practice this at home!  We continue to work on making sets up to 10.

Julie Brightwell - 4K

Daily Schedule 2023-2024

Bell Schedule - 7:45-2:15 (bus riders dismiss at 1:45)


7:45-8:15 Arrival & Sign-In

8:15-8:30 Community Meeting

8:30-8:40 Interactive Writing

8:40-9:40 Plan/Do/Review

9:40-10:00   Shared Reading

10:00-10:30  Language Small Groups

10:30-11:00  Physical Activity

11:00-11:30  Mathematics Small Groups

11:30-11:40  Phonics Instruction

11:40-12:00  Calendar & Songs

12:00-12:30  Lunch

12:30-1:00   Quiet Time

1:00-1:20 Interactive Read Aloud

1:20-2:15 Ending Circle, Select Centers &  
