
SchoolPay is a payment service that allows families to pay for items such as (registration fees, athletic fees, event tickets, lunch balances, and donations) online at your convenience. With SchoolPay, there is no need for cash, or sending money with students. Pay online from anywhere, at anytime, on any device via Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.

Before you access SchoolPay from PowerSchool, please use the button at the bottom of this page to go to SchoolPay's website and either Find or Create your account. The email you should use is an email we have on record for you in PowerSchool. Follow the Registration brochure at the bottom of the page. Once you have enrolled in your SchoolPay account, then you may proceed to the SchoolPay link from PowerSchool as follows below.

SchoolPay is integrated with PowerSchool. Here’s how it works:

The first time you select the SchoolPay option from the applications menu in PowerSchool, you will be passed into a one-time authentication.

You should already have a user account with SchoolPay. Simply enter your SchoolPay username and password and it will connect the two accounts. If you don't have your account yet, follow the directions on the brochure below.

Though it is convenient when making multiple payments over time, you are not required to store payment information to make payment. SchoolPay is PCI-DSS certified (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards).

If you have any questions we are happy to help.

P: 888.88.MYPAY (69729) E:

SchoolPay offers live English- and Spanish-speaking operators from 7 am to 7 pm Central Time, Mon-Fri. After hours and weekend support is available via email at