Henry N. Adorna
ha at dcs dot upd dot edu dot ph
Si Henry N. Adorna ay kasalukuyang kabilang sa Kaguruan ng Departamento ng Informatika ng , Kolehiyo ng Enhenyeriya ng Unibersidad ng Pilipinas sa Diliman, Diliman, 1101 Lungsod Quezon, Pilipinas.
Si Henry ay ang nagpasimula ng Laboratoryong Pananaliksik sa Algoritmo at Komplesidad (simula noong 2007) at Laboratoryo ng Pananaliksik sa Automata, Computability at Lohika (simula 2023) ng Departamento.
Ang mga pananaliksik na pinagkakaabalahan ni Henry ay ang pag-aaral ng Saligang Matematikal ng Informatika, gaya ng Membrane Computing, Teoriya ng Automata at Formal Languages, Discrete Mathematics, at mga Algoritmo para sa Ganap na Madaling di-Tukoy na mga Suliranin (NP-Complete). [Ang Madaling Tukoy na mga Suliranin ay ang mga suliraning na sa P.] SI Henry ang nagpasimula ng pananaliksik sa Membrane Computing sa bansa. Interesado rin siya sa Algoritmong Quantum.
Si Henry ay ang isa sa mga naging taga pag-organisa (J. Caro, F.P. Muga II) ng SMACS (Symposium on the Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science).
Si Henry ay nahalal bilang "Full Member" ng Philippine - American Academy of Science and Engineering noong October 2018.
Ang Erdos Number ni Henry ay 3, sa daang:
Henry ADORNA, Gheorghe PAUN, and M. J. PEREZ-JIMENEZ, On Communication Complexity in Evolution-Communication P Systems, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 13 No. 2 pp. 113–130, 2010
Solomon Marcus and Gheorghe Pâun, On symmetry in languages, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 1029-0265, Volume 52, Issue 1, pp. 1 – 15, 1994
Paul Erdös and Solomon Marcus, Sur la decomposition de l'espace euclidien en ensembles homogenes, Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol. 8, Number 3-4, pp. 443-452, 1957
PhD Students [Mathematics Genealogy Project]:
1. Jan Michael Yap [2014] (now Program Director, Phil Genome Center, former Chair of DCS, UPDiliman)
2. Francis Cabarle [2015] ( now post-doc. )at Uni de Sevilla, Spain
3. Richelle Ann Juayong [2017] (now with S3 Lab, UP DCS)
4. Jhoirene Clemente [2019] (now Head of Algorithms and Complexity Lab, UPDiliman)
5. Ivy Ordanel (2021) (now with ACLab, DCS, UPDiliman)
6. Alfonso Labao (2023) (now with ACLab, DCS, UPDilimna)
1. Nestine Hernandez [on going]
2. Kelvin Buno [on going]
3. Cherry Rose Estabillo [on going, with Jan Michael Yap] (funded by ERDT since 2019)
2024-2025 Ikalawang Semestre
CS 31 Discrete Structures 2
CS 197 Algorithms and Automata Theory
CS 199 Undergraduate Research 2 (QuantumECC, Formal Verification, with A. Labao)
2024-2025 Unang Semestre
CS 133 Automata and Computability
CS 204 Theory of Computation
CS 198 Undergraduate Research 2 (QuantumECC, Formal Verification, with A. Labao)
2023-2024 Ikalawang Semestre
CS 30 DIscrete Structures 1
CS 31 Discrete Structures 2
CS 199 Undergraduate Research 2 (Formal Verification, with A. Labao)
2023-2024 Unang Semestre
CS 204 Theory of Computation
CS 197 Algorithms and Automata Theory
CS297 Computability and Logic
CS 198 Undergraduate Research 1 (Formal Verification, with A. Labao)
2022- 2023 on Sabbatical Leave In Residence)
2021-2022 Unang Semestre (flipped classroom: onljne) (CoVID19 era)
CS 277: Introduction to Quantum Algorithms
CS 301: Communication Complexity
CS 133: Automata and Computability
Ikalawang Semestre (flipped classroom: onljne) (CoVID19 era)
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 290: Seminar on Cryptography and Complexity
CS 297: Seminar on Membrane Computing and Quantum Algorithms
CS 135: Algorithm Design and Analysis
2020-2021 Unang Semestre (flipped classroom: onljne) (CoVID19 era)
CS 397: Seminar on Automata, Languages and Combinatorics
CS 135: Algorithm Design and Analysis
Ikalawang Semestre (flipped classroom: onljne) (CoVID19 era)
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 290: Seminar on Automata and Computability
CS 318: Approximation Algorithms
CS 135: Algorithm Design and Analysis
2019-2020 Unang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 297: Algorithmic for Hard Problems
CS 133: Automata and Computability
CS 135: Algorithms Design and Analysis
CS 298: Special Topics (with Pros Naval)
CS 198: Algorithmics for Biological Networks
Ikalawang Semestre (CoVID19 era)
CS 338: Computational Models for Biological Processes
CS 397: Seminar on Graph Algorithms
CS 298: Special Topic (with Pros Naval)
CS 199: Algorithmics for Biological Networks
2018-2019 Unang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 297: Topics in Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
CS 133: Automata and Computability
CS 30: Discrete Mathematics
CS 390: Independent Study (PhD)
CS 198: On Quantum Decoherence
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 297: Algorithmic for Hard Problems
CS 318: Approximation Algorithms
CS 298: Special Topics (Preservation of some properties of workflow nets)
CS 133: Automata and Computability
CS 199: On Quantum Decoherence
2017-2018 Unang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 211: Combinatorial Optimization
CS 390: Independent Study (PhD)
CS 133: Automata and Computability
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 133: Automata and Computability
CS 290: Optimization Algorithms for Networks and Graphs
CS 397: Natural and Bio-Inspired Models of Computation
2016-2017 Unang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 297: Topics in Graph Theory
CS 318: Approximation Algorithms
CS 133: Automata and Computability
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 133: Automata and Computability
CS 30: Discrete Mathematics
CS 290: Special Topics in Formal Languages
CS 397: Seminar on Algorithmic Approaches to Combinatorial Hard Problems
2015-2016 on Sabbatical Leave (In Residence)
2014-2015 Unang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computations (UPDil and UPCebu)
CS 297: Formal Models and Computability
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 30: Discrete Mathematics
CS 290:
2013-2014 Unang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computations (UPDil and UPCebu)
CS 360: Formal Methods
CS 133: Automata and Computability
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 315: Algorithms in Bioinformatics
CS 397: Special Topics on utomata, Computability, Languages and Applications
CS 133: Automata and Computability
CS 297: Topics in Discrete Mathematics (UPCebu)
2012-2013 Unang Semestre
CS 30: Discrete Mathematics
CS 204: Theory of Computations
CS 211: Combinatorial Optimization
CS 397: Natural and Unconventional Computing Models
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 301: Communication Complexity
CS 290: Topics in Unconventional Computing
CS 197: Bridging Theoretical Computer Science
CS 297: Natural Computing and Process Calculi
2011-2012 Unang Semestre
CS 397: Models of Computations
CS 204: Theory of Computations
CS 197: Bridging Theoretical Computer Science
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 290: Models of Computations and Complexity Measures
CS 297: Communication Complexity
2010-2011 Unang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 133: Automata and Computability Theory
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 290 Grammar, Communication, and Languages
CS 208 Computational Complexity Theory
CS 297 Formal Models and Computability
2009-2010 Unang Semestre
CS 204 Theory of Computation
CS 297 Automata, Grammar, and Communication
Ikalawang Semestre
CS 290: Algorithmics for Hard Problems
CS 297: Special Topics in Communication Complexity
Math 157: Discrete Mathematical Structures
2008-2009 Unang Semestre
CS 133: Automata and Computability
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 297: Computer-Assisted Argumentationand Non-monotonic Reasoning
CS 296: Graduate Seminar
Ikalawang Semestre
Math 157: Discrete Mathematical Structures
CS 290:
CS 297: Data Visualization
2007- 2008 Unang Semestre
CS 204: Theory of Computation
CS 133: Automata and Computability
CS 297: Models for Biology Processes
Ikalawang Semestre
Mga Latlahaing Informatika atbp.
Latlahain nakalista sa Google Scholar:
Ilan sa mga na-unang lathalain (earlier publications):
X. Zeng, H. Adorna, M.A. Martínez-del-Amor, L. Pan and M. J. Pérez-Jiménez; Matrix Representation of Spiking Neural P Systems; in Membrane Computing: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 6501/2011, 377-391,Revised Selected Papers Marian Gheorghe, Thomas Hinze, Gheorghe Paun, Grzegorz Rozenberg and Arto Salomaa (Eds).
H. Adorna, Gh. Paun, and M. J. Perez-Jimenez ; On Communication Complexity in Evolution-Communication P Systems, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 13 No. 2 pp. 113–130, 2010
H.N. Adorna: Some Descriptional Complexity Problems on Finite Automata. Philippine Computing Journal, Vol 3, No. 1, pp 1-6, (2008)
H.N. Adorna: Some Descriptional Complexity Problems on Finite Automata. In: R. Saldana et al. (eds) Proceedings of 5th Philippine Computing Science Congress (2005), 27-32
H.N. Adorna: On the Separation between k-Party and (k-1)-Party Nondeterministic Message Complexity. LNCS 2450, 151-161 (2003)
H.N. Adorna: 3-Party Message Complexity is Better than 2-Party Ones for Proving Lower Bounds on the Size of Minimal Nondeterministic Finite Automata. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics,7 (2002) 4, 419-432.
Huling Isinaayos: 16 May 2023
ni H.N. Adorna mismo.