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Il nostro progetto Erasmus KA1 (2020/23) appena concluso: 

Tante lingue, un solo ambiente: la nostra Europa da salvare.


Giornata internazionale delle lingue 26 Settembre 2023

Ecco alcune delle nostre attività:


In questa giornata la classe 4^H ha “festeggiato” svolgendo un lavoro

multidisciplinare e di inclusione attraverso la mappatura delle diverse lingue

presenti all’interno del gruppo classe:

1) Osservazione della differenza tra un mappamondo ed un planisfero;

2) identificazione dei cinque continenti;

3) mappatura dei luoghi di provenienza dei bimbi non italiani;

4) conversazione collettiva;

5) scrittura nelle diverse lingue presenti in classe della parola AMICIZIA;

6) lettura di tale parola ed osservazione del diverso tratto grafico.




Insegnante: Amidei Simona

Classe 2aU plesso A. Corsini


Game: “the web of friendship” in which to find the end of the ball the

children must help and cooperate;

Color review in English.

Storytelling in the garden of the book “The Colour Monster”.

While listening the book children talk about friendship together.

Memorization in English of the emotions told in the book.

Children draw the monster while he is confused, happy, sad, afraid, calm

and loving; meanwhile they reflect on the different facial expressions

during the manifestation of various emotions.

Searching, drawing and memorize some objects that are yellow, red, blue,

black, green and pink.

Game (in English): “the teacher says”: while the teacher says an emotion,

children run to touch and name the corresponding color; if instead the

teacher names the color, they must say the emotion that is connected to it.

Listen, sing and mimic of the song:” If you’re happy” …

you can count on trees.mp4

                         MOBILITA' 2023!


Cominciamo la disseminazione delle esperienze di mobilità del 2023. Qui di seguito il link per un breve resoconto dell'esperienza di Job Shadowing.

(Una volta attivato il link, clicca su "presenta" e aspetta qualche istante perché si avvii la musica!)

Malta: esperienza di mobilità per quattro docenti che hanno seguito corsi di lingua inglese. 






31 JULY-4 AUGUST 2023


Attending the course organized by ETI was aimed at acquiring the following skills:

develop fluency and be able to express more confidently and effectively in English

improve your knowledge of the English language in terms of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation

and be able to speak English more accurately

develop practical communication skills such as active listening

extend the skills needed to socialize and network with greater confidence.

Participation in this project was very significant both from a professional and a personal and human

point of view. It was a great opportunity to learn the English language in depth. It should be

highlighted that the linguistic difficulties in following lessons held entirely in English at a very rapid

pace required a considerable effort. Being part of a class group with the same level of linguistic

competence allowed greater comfort, on a psychological level, even if oral communication was hardly

fluid, despite being sufficient for exchanges.

The institute that welcomed us was modern and welcoming. Our tutors were very competent, they

spoke and understood various languages, they were always ready to solve any problem, careful to

spread an educational model based on cooperation and ongoing evaluation that does not oppress or

devalue the students. The institution offered lessons in the language to a varied audience of students,

divided according to their command of English.

Even the more touristy aspect of the trip was particularly engaging. We were able to get to know an

island with an extraordinary history and culture. The rocky and sandy beaches, the landscapes that are

almost barren in some areas, the cobalt blue sea and the clear water, the characteristic little ports that

occasionally peep out along the coasts even near the cities, the friendly people accustomed to tourists,

the good food, have constituted elements capable of making your stay in Malta very pleasant.

To conclude, we believe that the meaning of mobility promoted by the Erasmus Project is to live

community experiences, coming into contact with new places and cultures, shared with colleagues of

other nationalities, to encourage meeting and cultural exchange. In short, an experience to be

considered professionally and humanly enriching, because it requires openness and availability

towards different cultures and school organisations, with the aim of stimulating one's knowledge and

skills, not just linguistic ones. All of this then brought back to their home school, both with students

and colleagues, to share the experience lived on an educational and didactic level, to introduce them to

the characteristics of another country, to implement the ability to develop and strengthen citizenship

skills understood in a European sense, of Erasmus projects.

The teachers


Il nostro progetto Erasmus, Diverse lingue un solo ambiente: la nostra Europa da salvare,  è quasi alla fine!

20 insegnanti del nostro istituto si sono formate all’estero con dei trainings su lingue e metodologie, in Finlandia, Irlanda, Malta e Grecia,  per rendere la nostra Offerta Formativa sempre più innovativa  al passo con gli standard europei.

Celebreremo la nostra esperienza e il progetto  in due occasioni: 26 Settembre per la giornata internazionale delle lingue e dal 9 al 14 Ottobre  per gli Erasmus Days.

 Le insegnanti che hanno partecipato il progetto faranno attività in lingua e plurilingua con gli alunni in modo interattivo applicando le metodologie apprese durante il progetto e le mobilità.

I focus dell’attività saranno inclusione e ambiente, due tematiche cruciali nella realtà di oggi.

Finlandia: esperienza di mobilità per 10 docenti.

Erasmus in Finland 31/07/23- 06/08/23





This was my first Erasmus experience . Overall it has been a very challenging course that enriched me. I have been involved as a teacher and as a person. I shared time, space and activities with people I didn’t know. The course was well organized and the trainers were engaging. Each of them was not only very competent but also really sensitive and were able to give us attention and we were able to become a close-knit group in less than a week. The lesson I preferred was the theatral because I learnt a lot of activities I can use with my pupils. After this week I had the confirmation that children need to use their hands to create, learn and think. There is only one little complaint about this trip: I hoped to learn more about Finnish Primary school because it’s the level where I teach.

I would repeat this experience tomorrow!

Miriam Belloi



The course was very well organized and structured. The morning lessons helped us to understand the Finnish school system with its different levels, the importance of motivation . I really appreciate the locations and the methodology which helped all the participants to become a group and share ideas from teachers of different countries. I am glad to have all the materials accessible on a drive. The afternoon's activities were exciting and helped us to live the real Finnish life. I will certainly use the drama activities  with my students. For sure it is the best Erasmus experience I ever had. I am sorry because during the school visit we couldn’t see pupils because the lessons hadn’t started yet.

Ilaria Grotti


The Erasmus programme is an experience that makes you grow professionally and personally. This course in Finland was exciting and engaging. The activities had the aim to experiment new methodologies and learn Finnish culture at the same time. During the course I met people from different countries and this gave me the opportunity to share and confront different ideas and points of view. Visiting a Finnish Primary School was helpful to understand space management. I really enjoyed the drama lesson because in the past I used to attend a drama school but the activities that we did this time were very different from what I had experienced before and very useful for the children.

I think that such an experience will have an impact on our professional life and it will encourage me to travel and meet different countries and cultures.

Giulia Vandelli


The Finland Erasmus was an all-round experience that helped me to get involved with new people and situations. All the activities were organized respecting each of us without embarrassment and obligation. Each of us with his own sensibility “dared” a new activity and enjoyed it. I liked the drama lesson and the school fair. The first one gave me a lot of suggestions for activities I could do in the classroom and moreover it was really funny, and the second one was interesting because I had the opportunity to explore the European school systems and feel the enthusiasm of other teachers outside my Country.

The only thing I regret is that we couldn’t meet the children in the school and see the teachers at work. 

I really thank the Finnish trainers that helped us with the language and were very supportive helping us with everything.

I look forward to having another experience like this!

Alice Flandi


Finland has been my first Erasmus experience and I’m exciting also in this moment writing about it…Amazing races, interesting workshops, school fair, school visit and above all drama lesson involve us in improving our language skills in different ways. Their method has been very inclusive and interactive so I never feel bored during this week. I hope to repeat such an experience in the future …and I will improve some contents and methods in my school practice.

Silvia Degli Antoni



I really appreciated the organization of this course and the topics. First of all, the lessons had a practical approach and all of us were active during the lessons and could immediately experiment with the things we were told. In addition to that there was time to confront our different points of view and different methods for each Country.

I have attended other Erasmus Courses but only here thanks to the proposed activities we were able to create a positive atmosphere among all the members despite the cultural differences and the different levels of the language. Most of the activities had a fun approach and that helped us to keep up our level of attention. There was also a great respect for all the differences and difficulties so each of us was involved without pushing too much and respecting personalities and cultural approach. I think that all the participants have enriched themselves and understand a little more the cultural methods of Finnish and their sensitivity. Visiting schools helped us also to know better how the Institution works, their strengths and weaknesses.

Simona Magnani




Irlanda: esperienza di mobilità di 15 giorni per una docente.


                              RITA CHIODI 

                        (Cork 1/15  July 2023) 

My Erasmus experience in Cork (Ireland) was very rewarding from many points of view:

- I left alone and therefore I could only count on myself in organizing the trip and in managing the unexpected

- Thanks to the course I met many people from other countries with whom I established connections and I had a lot of fun

-I have had various experiences, visiting the city of Cork and other places nearby (Kinsele, Dublin), taking the means available (buses, trains)

-I was for two weeks exclusively in the company of foreign people (classmates-colleagues, teachers, apartment neighbors)

All these aspects and above all the fact that the level of my friends was very high (most of them had an advanced LC2) favored the learning of the language, especially the use of English on my part, which I never backed down in conversations of any kind and tried to absorb as much as possible from them. 

Unfortunately I cannot say the same thing about the course I attended (CLIL). 

It was also useful for me as a language exercise, because with my level, being immersed in the language is always useful and in class we mostly used speaking in a small group, but the course was not a language course and it was not structured to be a language course. The course had to be about didactics and methodology, giving us student-teachers tools and ways to introduce English in the various subjects and in the different school levels; but this did not happen. The lessons were not well prepared and organized and too theoretical: we often compared hours on specific thermology, without any use.

After a few lessons we asked for more space for practical exercises, some examples were given, but most of them came from us and our teaching experiences.

The exchange between peers is foreseen and is very positive but the course cannot stand on this alone, it must be better organized from the beginning and prepared with more care. 

The teachers were very nice and tried to be engaging, but their proposals and the teaching materials used were dated, not at all captivating and not usable in any school context. It was clear that they had recycled materials that they have been using for a thousand years and which are not suitable for a CLIL course!

I'm sorry to have to say these things, but what I will be able to use in my work will be mostly interactive materials (sites and apps) suggested by my classmates and some ideas that came out to me or to others from discussions during lessons. 

This sharing is the most important didactic aspect that I take home and I want to pass on to my students and colleagues who will one day go on Erasmus, but it's not obvious! I was lucky because I ended up in a beautiful class group, with people who were very competent in the language, open minded and close to my way of being. 

If it hadn't been for this and I had met people not inclined to dialogue and also with an English level equal to or lower than mine, the experience would not have been so positive and engaging. 

However, I advise everyone (teachers and students) to travel abroad on Erasmus, if possible for at least two weeks, and don’t be afraid to face the journey and study alone, because this is an indispensable element for the language and encouraging for one's personal experience, at all ages! 

Irlanda: esperienza di mobilità di una settimana per quattro docenti.



We attended a one week course at Cork College, from the 17th June till the 24th June 2023.

We had the opportunity to improve our speaking every day, discussing about different topics, revise grammar and extended our vocabulary.

In particular the listening and speaking activities were very useful and the connection between theory and practice was very good.

The materials and the practical exercises were specific and well linked to the topics.

The activities in pairs were related to meet new people from different countries and cultures, share opinions and ideas, compare school systems and methodologies.

The teachers were well prepared, efficient, available and more professional.

We really appreciated the teacher’s supervision and their way of involving us.

In the afternoon the school offered some extra activities about history, music, art and culture of Ireland.

Very interesting and useful in our work were also three hours of Clil.

In general the experience was really positive for us, thanks to the beautiful landscapes that characterize Ireland.

It would be nice to be able to stay more than a week.

We hope to attend another course in the future. Thanks for this experience!


Primary school teacher

Galassi Rossella

Manzione Laura

Amidei Simona

Dalmazzini Giorgia


La nostra collaborazione con Fabbrica delle Arti

Erasmus è entusiasmo, formazione continua, creatività, inclusione, rispetto per l’ambiente e… tanto altro!

Buon inizio di anno scolastico e  intanto…pensiamo a nuovo progetto!

Prossimi Eventi : dal 24 Settembre all'1 Ottobre si celebrerà la Giornata Europea delle Lingue del 26 Settembre.

Le classi aderenti al progetto faranno  giochi, letture, attività a tema ambientale e plurilinguistico secondo i focus del progetto.

Il 14 Ottobre ci sarà un Erasmus Day: One environment, different Languages.

Celebrare l'unità nella diversità e ricordare l'urgenza della salvaguardia del nostro pianeta.

Altri eventi futuri:

Per  rimanere connessi agli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 declinati anche nel nostro progetto  daremo importanza a tre giornate dell’anno scolastico celebrando in inglese e in plurilingua l’ambiente e l’educazione alla sostenibilità : 

1)13 Novembre/ Kindness Day

2) 22 Marzo/World Water Day 

3) 22  Aprile/Earth Day

Progetti in corso:

 1)Voci d'Europa, il plurilinguismo che valorizza la diversità 2018-2020

  2)Molte lingue, un solo ambiente: la nostra Europa da salvare 2020-2022

Progetto concluso : 

L'Europa di Arlecchino 2016-2018

Erasmus 20-22.mp4
Erasmus video 18-20.mp4

2016: "Europe of Harlequin"

"Europe of Harlequin", where Harlequin symbolizes the linguistic  variety in Europe,  was born in a multhietnic  context  and the focus of the project is multilingualism, fundamental principle of the EU, with the aim of promoting diversity with the contribution of new technologies. Includes an upgrade of the foreign language , English, and enhancement of minority languages that many pupils are carriers. The participating organisation consists of kindergarten and primary schools and for some years interested in international and transnational projects. The projects developed so far have been training abroad (Comenius and Pestalozzi). Interest in mobility  grew throughout the years, thanks to a relapse of the projects mentioned above, the interviews with teachers and schools abroad and the new opportunities offered by the EU education programmes. 

Considered the needs of the institution, emerged through questionnaires and the RAV(Assesment Report), identified the three areas to strengthen for the next two years (linguistic- methodological, intercultural, technological) and were identified the following objectives:

-improve the profession of teachers and teaching quality through increased communication skills in foreign languages;

-promote cultural integration through knowledge of different cultures and languages; 

-enrich the baggage faculty and their methodological skills, to improve the approach with students and make the most motivating teaching actions; 

-know the basic principles of Clil methodology and apply it to teaching of some disciplines;

-enable cultural exchanges through the eTwinning platform in order to promote cooperation with other European schools which may, in the future, result in job shadowing experiences 

The project consists of several stages, these are the main ones:

-Identification of staff participating in the training; 

-Identification of providers;

-Project preparation;  

-Organisation of mobility from logistical and administrative; 

-Managing relationships with training institutions; 

-Interviews with staff training at the beginning, middle and end of the path; 

-Monitoring and evaluation training; 

-Activities with pupils and school staff who did not participate in the training; 

-Dissimination  of the project at the local, regional, national, european level;

-Preparing the final report and compiling a web archive for consultation; 

Kindergarten and primary  teachers are involved,  and the headmaster too,  for a total of 10 people. Participants are both foreign language teachers, both teachers of other disciplines. Destination countries are Malta and Greece. 

The project involves 16 mobility in two years . Selected courses, short durations (1/2 weeks), are linguistic and methodological training courses, culture and foreign language other than English. Participants, through and including visits in the territory and contacts with local people, will experience a linguistic/cultural immersion. 

The participants, upon return, will share their experience with their own colleagues, with those of neighboring schools but also far, through meetings and workshops, webinars, disclosures about social forums and blogs on the local and national press. Apply what they have learned in their classrooms with students, which will develop activities in tandem with European colleagues met during training, through the plataform eTwinning. 

Long term results are: 

-develop greater awareness of the opportunities that Europe offers training to young people and adults 

-making the Lifelong Learning a reality for all 

-promoting integration to combat discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age 

-promote a sense of belonging to a larger community, larger than our country, familiarizing yourself with the idea that we are Europeans.




2018: “Voices of Europe: plurilingualism that values diversity" 

“Voices of Europe: plurilingualism that values diversity" came into being a language learning project aiming at making cultural diversity a resource and paradigm for identity formation. On the one hand it promotes integration, both at the level of culture and language; on the other, it lends support to foreign languages and to the methods employed in teaching them, in particular through the use of music.

One spinoff effect especially significant in the Year of Cultural Heritage–is that the project promotes a knowledge of the musical identity of other cultures with the aid of new technologies. The languages involved are: English, Europe’s lingua franca and passport to mobility; and Greek, Europe’s language epicentre and parent of many of the languages spoken by the pupils who attend our multicultural school.

Our institute comprises preschools and primary schools, directly affected over recent years by transnational and international projects. So far, training projects have been developed abroad (Comenius, Pestalozzi, Erasmus Plus). Interest in travel has grown over time. This is due to the impact of projects carried out, to enhanced relationships between teachers and schools in Europe, and to new opportunities offered by EU training programs.

Using self-evaluation reports (Rav), Improvement Plan analysis (PdM) and questionnaires, we were able to assess our language learning needs. Three areas were selected for improvement over the next two years: language-teaching methods, intercultural integration, educational technology.Targets were set in line with the educational priorities defined by the Ministry’s “Good School”policy:

- improve teacher professionalization and quality of teaching by increasing communication skills in a foreign language;

- promote cultural integration, plurilingualism, and enhance diversity with the knowledge of different cultures /languages conveyed by music;

- enrich the methodological strategies of the teachers ,their digital skills, improving their approach with pupils and making teaching more participatory, activities-based and motivating;

- foster awareness of CLIL methodology, applying it to the teaching of key subjects, beginning with music;

- promote cultural exchanges with the eTwinning platform in order to encourage cooperation with other European schools; this will give rise to other collaborations, new experiences of job shadowing and strategic partnerships.

Project phases:

- Selection of personnel participating in the courses;

- Choice of providers;

- Preparation of the project;

- Organization of mobility from a logistical and administrative point of view;

- Management of relations with training institutions;

- Interviews with personnel in training at the beginning, middle and end of the course;

- Monitoring and evaluation of training;

- Monitoring of the project in its various phases;

- Activities with pupils and school staff who did not take part in the training;

- Dissemination of the project at local, regional, national, European level;

- Preparation of the final report and compilation of a web archive for consultation.

Participants in the project: teachers in primary education and pre-primary, Head teacher, the Administrative Director to a total of 21 people. Participants are both foreign language teachers and teachers of other subjects.

Destination countries: Ireland, Malta, Greece.

The project will include 22 mobilities in 2 years. The courses chosen, of1/2 weeks duration, focus on: training in language-teaching methods; culture and language (English and Greek); integration methodology; Clil methodology; IT for the classroom.

Participants will also visit the territory, interacting with local people, experiencing a full immersion in language and culture and practicing the language in non-formal contexts.

Job shadowing is provided for the methodological enrichment of the Language Student. This will take place in a Centre which trains certified teachers in teaching foreign languages. The Centre researches into language teaching methods and publishes its findings.

It practices a teaching philosophy based on "learning by doing, reflecting, sharing ideas".

On their return, trainees will be able to share their experience with colleagues, both from nearby and distant schools. This will be done through workshops, webinars, on social forums, in the local and national press. They will apply what they have learned with their pupils, and are expected to create a multi-lingual songbook and an app for multi-lingual learning. In addition, they will develop activities with European colleagues they have met on their trip or on eTwinning.

The long-term results expected are:

- make lifelong learning a reality for all;

- develop the idea of learning by sharing;

- create a greater awareness of Europe's training programmes for young people and adults;

- foster integration, enhancing plurilingualism to combat discrimination;

-promote a sense of belonging to a wider Community.

2020: Many languages, an environment: our Europe to be saved

"Many languages, an environment: our Europe to be saved" is a project where cultures and languages, resources of diversity, convey the common theme of socio-environmental sustainability by developing educational methodologies that decline the Agenda 2030.

On one side, it wants inclusion, cultural/linguistic integration, enhancement of foreign languages, and methodologies for its teaching with ICT too, on the other side development of a greater awareness about sustainability and methods of implementing it in school.

Involved English, the "franca" language of Europe that allows mobility more easily, Greek, "linguistic epicentre" of Europe as an example of other minor languages, those brought by the pupils of our multicultural school.

Our institution consists of kindergartens and primary schools, for some years interested in international projects and environmental sustainability. The projects developed in the past have been training abroad (Comenius , Pestalozzi,

Erasmus Plus).

Interest in mobility has grown over time, thanks to the great impact of the projects and the relationships we have had with teachers and European schools and the new opportunities offered by the EU training programmes.

Through Improvement Plan and questionnaires, our needs emerged and three areas were selected to be upgraded for the next two years (language-methodological area, intercultural area and environmental area).

These objectives were identified in line with the Italian National Guidelines:

• improve teaching professionalism, the quality of teaching by increasing communication skills in a foreign language;

• fostering cultural integration, social inclusion, multilingualism, valuing diversity with the knowledge of different cultures and languages conveyed by the theme of environmental sustainability;

• enriching teacher methodologies, including digital skills, making teaching more motivating to create a sustainable school environment in socio/environmental terms

• knowing the principles of the Clil methodology and to apply it to the teaching of some disciplines starting from the environmental one;

• promote cultural exchanges with eTwinning to encourage cooperation with other European schools that can create other collaborations, new job shadowing experiences and strategic partnerships.

Phases of the project:

• Recruitment;

• Choose providers;

• Project preparation;

• Organization of mobility from a logistical/administrative point of view;

• Managing relationships with trainers;

• Interviews with staff in training at the beginning, middle and end of the route;

• Training monitoring and evaluation;

• Monitoring the project in its various stages;

• Activities with pupils and staff of the school who did not participate in the training;

• Spread of the project at local, regional, national, European level;

• Preparation of the final report and insertion on a web archive for consultation.

5 kindergarden and 15 primary teachers, the head master, a secretary are involved in the project: 22 people in total.

Participants are foreign language teachers and teachers of other disciplines. The destination countries: Ireland, Malta, Greece, Finland.

The project will have 23 mobility in 2 years. The courses chosen, of 1/2 weeks, are language-methodological training, culture and language (English and Greek), methodology for inclusion, environmental education, Clil methodology.

Participants will also visit the territory, observing examples of sustainable management of cultural environments/heritage, relating to local people, experiencing a full linguistic/cultural immersion and experiencing the language in non-formal contexts. A job shadowing (14 days) for the methodological enrichment of Ls is planned in a geographical context that has integrated the value of sustainability in development policy.

The students will share the experience with schools near and far, through workshops,webinars, on social forums, in local and national press.

Teachers will apply what they have learned with the pupils with whom the creation of a multilingual vocabulary inspired by the "17 goals to transform our world", the creation of a game for multilingual learning with activities related to the Sustainability.

They will be on routes with European colleagues known on the move or on eTwinning.

Expected long-term results:

• making lifelong learning a reality for all;

• develop the idea of learning by sharing;

• more awareness of Europe's training programmes for young people and adults;

• promoting inclusion, enhancing multilingualism to combat discrimination based on ethnic origin, religion or disability, age;

• to promote a sense of belonging to a great Community, to European citizenship, to the common value of safeguarding our planet.