Sexual Awareness For Teens

We are a concerned group of teens trying to inform the world of the potential and very real danger of sexual assault. We believe that too many young adults are unaware of this problem. Our group aspires to raise awareness so that people are prepared to deal with the threat of sexual assault. If one person is unwilling to do something, the other or others should respect their wishes and back off. We hope to help the world will see and understand when they are at risk or in danger of sexual assault. Our hope is that we can help teenagers be prepared for sexual assault and/or abuse, and to guide those who have been through sexual assault and/or abuse. With our website, our goal is to shield young men and women, teens and children. With our blog, we hope to empower people who we got to, too late, and help them to heal, and change the world for the better. You can contact us for help at Visit our honorary S.A.F.T. members blog, Hurt Voices, at