Universal Orlando Resort
Complimentary Booking & Planning

Quoting Process:

  • Provide your travel planner with details on your specific Universal Studios vacation.

  • Review this site for details on your vacation options.

  • Discuss with your travel planner any questions and changes you'd like to see on the initial quote.

  • Decide on your vacation package details and let your travel planner know you're ready to book.

Initial Booking Process:

  • Your travel planner will email you a few simple forms (1 or 2 depending on if you've worked together before). They will request traveler details as well as ask for you to sign the terms and conditions and provide a credit card authorization through our secured system.

  • Submit your booking forms and send your credit card's security code to your travel planner separately from the booking form (for additional security).

  • Your travel planner will officially get your vacation booked and will send you the confirmation email from Universal!

Planning Service Inclusions:

  • Quoting Process

  • Initial Booking Process

  • Processing All Payments

  • Advanced Dining Suggestions and Reservations

  • Stroller and Scooter Rentals

  • Transportation Reservations (other than flights)

  • Other Area Attraction Tickets and Transportation

  • Customized Itinerary Document with tips and tricks