Innovative Learning Strategies

Google Classroom for PD - ILS TCEA

PD + Google Classroom + Badges = Self-Directed Learning!

Teachers want to learn what they want, when they want to know it! Just as student learning is changing, so is teacher PD. Learn how to create a Google Classroom for teacher PD that self-grades, auto-reteaches, and auto-badges by integrating Google Slides, Forms, Sheets and more.Inspiration A | 1 CPE Credit | Eligible for GT Credit
Personalized Learning - Top Ten.TCEA ILS

All Students Learn Differently - How to Deliver 30 IEPs!

Discover 10 practical, use-tomorrow strategies for teachers to be able to facilitate individualized, student-driven learning in a full classroom. Get strategies for classroom management, setup, and technology tools so teachers become the guide on the side!Innovation | 1.5 CPE Credits | Eligible for GT Credit