Cue No. 11

"The Four Champions"

Cue No. 11 - The Four Champions.mp4

Hogwarts Forever plays as Dumbledore dims the lights in the hall. Chords move around in thirds until the orchestra erupts magically with the goblet as it expels the first name into the air. Victor Krum is revealed as the Durmstrang champion, and his school’s theme plays over their celebrations. The orchestra again gathers energy in eager anticipation of the next two champions to be revealed. As the cup shoots out another name, Dumbledore catches it and reads the name of Fleur Delacour as the Beauxbatons champion. Her school’s theme plays in a celebration similar to the Durmstrang cheers, and is interrupted by Dumbledore catching the third and final name in his hand. Cedric Diggory is named the Hogwarts champion, and his theme has its first full statement as the school cheers him on.

Dumbledore begins to make remarks on the tournament now that the champions have been selected, and fragments of the Triwizard theme play as he speaks. The tournament’s first big thematic moment comes at the reveal of the Triwizard cup, but doesn’t get a full-fledged statement because Snape suddenly observes something strange behind Dumbledore. The Goblet of Fire is preparing to shoot another name out. As the paper flies into the air, the Death Eater theme questions the events that begin to take place. As it settles, Dumbledore reads Harry Potter’s name in disbelief. Once Hermione pushes Harry to leave the table, Ron’s theme gets a dissonant, jealous moment as he watches.

Harry’s slow walk towards the front of the Great Hall is accompanied by a slow march taken from the Chess Game in the first film. It climbs by thirds several times before transitioning into the lower chambers. A trio of woodwinds plays a high chord as the strings sail around high above the texture. It moves lower and lower until the teachers enter and Dumbledore comes at Harry.